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Living in the live of guns. Your either the one to shoot, or the one in the receiving end. Never both.

"Get me a drink, won't you?" Iwaizumi asked me.

"Could you also get me one please?" Akaashi asked nicely, the only decent one out of all of them.

One by one, everyone started asking for one.

I swam over the stairs and got out. I pushed back my hair and went over to pour the drinks. Being the only woman here in a swimsuit with all these men, you could feel stares.

I headed over to a little bar on the side. Being a waitress for years, I easily carried out the six drinks on my arms. They all lined up by the edge of the pool, waiting for me to give each one their drinks.

This felt like I was back in the club serving. I missed it.

Once I had given all their drinks, I went over to sit on a chair and drink my own.

"I thought you didn't drink?" Bokuto pointed out. I felt Iwazumi's eyes on me. He had a smile on his face while gulping his drink in one go.

"I just didn't enjoy doing it at work." I looked at Oikawa, who looked disappointed in his drink.

He looked up. "Could you put on some music?" He looked at me while pointing at his phone.

I hurried over to give him his phone. Just when Oikawa was going to take his phone, Kuroo snatched it out of my hand. "We're not playing your shitty music." Oikawa exaggerated a gasp. "My music is not shitty. Give my phone back. I swear if you get it wet. I'll kill you." Kuroo paid no attention to him and swam away with his phone.

"Here." The phone started playing Perdoname by Factoria and started singing along.

His phone must have been connected to a speaker, the music started playing from somewhere else, but there was no speaker in sight. "What kind of bullshit is this!?" Oikawa overreacting over the music.

"It's the good kind, unlike yours." Oikawa went over to Kuroo and took away the phone. Instead, he put on Noche De Sexo. "It's basically the same thing!" Kuroo yelled. "No, it's not. Your music is shitty. Mine isn't!" Oikawa rolled his eyes. This was just pointless.

"At least I don't have an obsession with Romeo Santos. Come on, give me the phone." Oikawa splashed water on Kuroo. "You have something against Romeo Santos?" Kuroo slapped the water. Throwing a complete tantrum.

"Romeo Santos sucks Oikawa. Face the truth." Oikawa put his phone down and jumped on Kuroo, completely fighting him. I stopped listening, Kuroo was probably delusional for not liking Romeo Santos.

Akaashi and Bokuto were talking to each other, paying no type of attention to them. Iwazumi was on the opposite side, looking straight at me. I lifted my cup at him. He smiled and nodded his head. Kuroo and Oikawa were still arguing over music.

Not one soul cared about the music except them.

"Como que no invitación!?" Everyone looked at the back door. Two guys were standing there. From this distance they looked like twins.

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