Chapter 9

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Sensei pulled us outside, "It was the summer of '82. Rocky 3 just came out. My buddy Dutch was a huge Mr. T fan. So we went to the local theater to check it out. sitting in front of us was this cute group of chicks. Dutch started to throw milk duds at them. "

This was just the good old story of his senior year and how La Russo was running his summer and school year. I've heard this story about a million times and I didn't want to listen on a hot day like today. Miguel on the other hand was listening to him like a dog. So instead of hearing that I headed to the minimart and got a cold can of dr. pepper and went back in the dojo. I went to the lockers and my bag and checked my phone.

"🥋The Cobras🐍"-

Hawk🦅: who is tryna go to the movies this friday?

Aisha😎: I'm down, what movie tho?

Nicole🥷: Yea ig. but I'm not paying :)

Nicole 🥷: also Miguel is talking to sensei rn but I'm sure he is down

Hawk🦅: sick and joker or batman

Well looks like tomorrow night we are watching a movie. It was good to have some outside time with them other than school and the dojo.

after Miguel and sensei were done talking I ran the movie idea up with them to make sure I could go and if he wanted to come. We trained some more after that and we all headed home afterward. once we arrived carmen was outside.

"Hey, guys. How was training?" carmen greeted us.

"oh, your son is doing great," Miguel smirked at him

"Miggy, go get cleaned up. Yaya's making Seco de Carne." I giggled as she said Miggy.

I whispered in Miguel's ear, "Yea Miggy you don't want to be all dirty for din-din,"

"shut it," he nudged me and walked into his apartment. "ok bye sensei."

"All right see ya," he said his goodbye.

As we were walking towards the apartment, "Do you guys have dinner plans?"

"Us? Uh... Yea I got a couple of hot pockets. I'm good," I stepped on his toes

"That sounds like the opposite of good. wanna join us," she was a very kind woman and I'd love to have some of that Seco de Carne.

"Thanks, but I wouldn't want to you know bother you guys," he told her.

"In other words carmen he means yes," I shot her a smile.

"Great we have plenty of food. And no buts," we headed over to their apartment.

When it was time to eat his Yaya and all of us held each other's hands and she prayed in Spanish. I couldn't understand most of her but I did take Spanish 1 in middle school so I knew she was saying something about love and food. It was nice to be around others and eat instead of eating as a hot pocket while I watch Netflix.

"So Miguel told me all about the tournament," she tried to make some karate talk. "I hope he doesn't get hurt."

"Mom I told you there are referees. you cant get hurt." Miguel seemed a bit embarrassed by her words.

"At least not permanently," dad said, "he'll be fine."

There was little conversation about food, where we lived, and even just the dojo. All of a sudden Miguel's phone rang.

"oh god sorry," he stated as he pulled out his phone.

"answer it mijo. it's fine. don't take too long. your food will get cold." she announced.

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