Chapter 6

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As soon as I was done getting ready I smelt the smell of burnt bologna. Skipped on that. I walked outside and sat on the planter waiting for Miguel.

"Hey, ready for school," I asked as he walked out the door. He nodded his head and we were on our way. whenever we walked together would talk about random stuff but today it was about Kyler and his little puppets. He made us both mad we would do anything to lay just one hit on him. Soon we arrived at school and made our way to the two geeky boys.

"Well if it isn't thing one and thing two," Demetri mocked us all the time.

"Oh and look a thing three and thing four," I pointed at them as we all giggled. It was getting late so we went our separate ways and headed to class. time flew by fast and it was already lunch. I went in line next to Miguel and we walked over to the boys. not soon after we sat we say the curly-haired girl walk over to Kyler but we weren't the only ones looking. She pushed a tray to the ground leading more than a couple of tables to stare.

"Yo you know that billboard with that big dick on it, I guess she takes after her dad," Kyler said loud enough for everyone to stare.

Miguel and I stood up, "hey Kyler, why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such an asshole."

"Want another beat down, 'Rhea," he pushed Miguel leading Aisha who was sitting at another table to stand next to me behind Miguel. "I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time."

He pushed Miguel on the table so I spoke up, "It's not lame-ass karate," He threw a punch at Miguel to him to block. He began, "It's cobra kai," punching him right in the nose. he pushed Miguel on a table and put him in a chokehold, and as soon as I saw that I kneed right under his arms. At this point, there were kids standing in a circle chanting even recording.

"NO MERCY," Aisha said while so other kids came behind. I punched some, I swept the leg, and we all had a part in this fight now. We hit kids with trays but the main target was Miguel they all went at him but we didn't let them attack. Kicks' punches were flying everywhere. Miguel got on top of the table and kicked Kyler and hit him with a tray. There was cheering from the students and Miguel stood up to see them all recording.

"Hey get down from the right now," a counselor dragged Miguel by his shirt. Soon after I got called to the office where the preceded to call my dad, He came to pick me and Miguel up, and after that Miguel and I met at the dojo with sensei.

"All four of them," we nodded "even that big dumb one?"

"Yeah, it all happened so fast," I went on as Miguel finished the sentence, "Everything just came together, we were blocking, we anticipated, and even slithered."

"huh, your mom is gonna kill all of us," he rambled.

"Well, she would if she knew. when my school called my Yaya answered, never seen her so proud. she won't talk," he giggled.

"Alright so let me get this straight, you took all the lessons I taught yall..." we nodded, "and you used them, to straight-up beat the shit out of those punks?"

"Well, yea,"

"Follow me," as we followed him out of the office and out of the building her brought us to the trunk of his car. As he opened it there laid two gi's that had the cobra kai logo on the back. He explained to us how important they were to him and he even gave Miguel the one he wore in 81'.

"You guys earned it," he smiled at us.

The next day we pulled up to the dojo where kids were crowded and lined up. When we walked out of the car they all had their phones out watching the video of the fight at lunch. They were pointing at Miguel.

"looks like we're in business," he unlocked the door letting all the kids in.

All three of us put on our gi's and practiced with each other until the sensei came out. There were kids scattered all over the room on their phones either watching the video or talking about it to the kid next to them.

"Ok today we begin," sensei was talking yet no one was listening, "Quiet! Face front!"

He walked around the dojo, "nice shirt,"

"Thanks," Demetri looked down at his pi shirt.

"I'm joking. it sucks," he was walking around saying shit about the kids. "Word of advice. If you got shit for teeth, don't smile. God makes me feel like a virgin just looking at you. When I look around this dojo I don't see cobra kai material. I see losers, I see nerds. I see a fat kid with a funny hat and his tits popping out. But in my short time as a sensei, I've also seen some miracles. So, maybe there is hope for you yet."

He was looking around at each kid criticizing them. "First I need to see where you're all at. So everybody, fall in!"

The kids looked around whispering unsure what to do. they looked at each other with confusion. "It means line up." they understood and formed one long straight line. Kids were confused and had no clue what they were doing. the day still went on, they showed sensei their punches.

"Hey, lip," He said to Eli. "Yeah, you. the one with the freaky lip. Who do you think I'm talking to?"

Demetri interrupted "Excuse me, uh, Mr. Lawrence."

"Sensei Lawrence!" I corrected.

He giggled, " okay. you really shouldn't make fun of someone's physical appearance."

"Oh is that so?" sensei proceeded. "So, I'm not supposed to mention his lip at all?"

"well yea," Demetri went on.

"Well maybe that's what they teach you at school, but in the real world, you can't expect people to do what they're supposed to do," he told them. "You hear that lip? If you can't handle someone making fun of you, how are you gonna handle an elbow to the teeth,"

Demetri didn't let Eli answer, " by calling the police." we knew he should knock it off so we let him know. " what, he does realize the nazis lost the war, right? Why should I be scared of him? Because he's got a snake on his wall? It's not like he's a teacher who can give us a bad grade. we are paying him. he works for us it's not like he can actually hurt us."

Sensei was pissed off you could see it in his eyes. He walked up to Demetri as others backed away. "Are You Done? Hit me. Go ahead, hit me. Strike me right here." he pointed to his face in which Demetri threw a weak punch as sensei pushed it away. "harder, is that all you got princess."

Demetri was on the ground by the end. "Let that be a lesson to all of you."


It was a new day at school and we were walking in the hall as Demetri complained about how he was gonna quit. When we were at the stairs we saw Kyler bruised up and walked right by us he made eye contact and turned back around. and damn did that feel good.

It was science and we needed partners so I just went with the kid sitting with me because Demetri and Miguel sat together. Then sam had no partner and got paired up with them while I was sitting next to a kid picking at his boogers. She thanked them even though I helped as well but no need to thank me just Miguel, the whole time they talked and giggled while I went through hell with the booger kid. See was talking about karate it pissed me off, not that I was jealous I liked someone else or thought that, but I hadn't even seen him since study hall.

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