Chapter 1 (New Beginnings)

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Well, here it all started the end of summer break and a new lifestyle. I've lived in San Diego my whole life and know my dad wants to see me all year round other than those couple of Sundays.  I don't think my dad wants to see me I believe my mom just needs an excuse to get rid of me and due to that, I get to lose all of my friends by moving to Reseda. Since summer is over and no more messing around I have to pack all of my stuff. This is why everyone should know to not have a lot of clothes and I have to get rid of half my clothes. No way am I getting rid of my posters Dad can deal with it.

All of my things have been packed up and only in 7 big boxes and a backpack. 2 hours and 20 minutes is how long I have of my life with my mom.

"You know I think this is the best thing for you, Johnny is going to love having you around but I will miss you," my mother told me as I pulled my earbuds out.

"Yea great IM SO GLAD TO SEE HIM AS WELL," I mumbled on my words. After that, we had a little conversation but I was mad so I really just listened to music most of the time. Once we arrived at the run-down apartment my dad came out even though he looked like absolute shit, it like he had bruises from getting hit. (maybe by some teen girls)

"Hey Nicole, it's amazing to see you I feel like the last time I saw you you were 12." he seemed just as pumped as I was to see him.

"Yea, that is when you last saw me but I'm 15 now, lots has changed," I replied and the conversation seemed to end soon but my parents helped me barely to bring boxes in they were fighting the whole time like I wasn't even there. After my last box that I made my dad take, I went to check the mail. When I was looking through the mail a voice came from behind me, "Hey, Do you live here my name Miguel."

"Yea, I guess I do now, what about you?" I questioned the lanky boy who seemed to be around my age.

"Yep I just moved here about a week ago with my Mom and Yaya seems like you just moved if I'm assuming correctly. Well, what's your name you never told me?" As he responded I continued with my name continuing the conversation about school and how we'd plan on walking to school together since we are both new. We gave each other our social media and I left to start unpacking. My mom and I exchanged our goodbyes and this is where I was staying and it already seemed pretty bad. Halfway through unpacking, I went to get water and as I looked in the trash i noticed Coors banquet, great to now he's still drinking. I just ignored everything and went back to my room and listened to music. The day was almost over and a new school was waiting for me tomorrow.

As I walked outside the dark brown-haired boy greeted me. " oh, hey forgot we were walking together."

"Haha, yeah I mean if you don't want to it's all good I don't want to make you uncomfortable," he said as though he was scared of me. 

I looked him up and down to see him in a flannel and jeans, I looked down at myself and saw the fishnets, black skirt, and tank top with a sweater maybe my outfit scared him. "No, I'd love to walk with you, BOO!" as the words came out he jumped back and we both started laughing. And with that, we walked to school together.

Cobra Kai the Snake in the Grass| ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora