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"I need to change otama,Jan will leep the kimono with her "
  She looked at me
"Who's jan"
  " my friend "
I walked inside the store with her holding my hand
I quickly grab a kimono

And walking up to a lady who was in the back of the store"May I buy this""Sure 20 berries"I handed her a bag"Do you have a room I can change in?"  "In the back" she pointed behind her to a door I started walking to the backroom to another room and...

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And walking up to a lady who was in the back of the store
"May I buy this"
"Sure 20 berries"
I handed her a bag
"Do you have a room I can change in?"
  "In the back" she pointed behind her to a door
I started walking to the backroom to another room and walking to it
"Stay out here otama and wait for me"
She nodded,as I walked inside

Maybe this kimono will make people think I work with kaido or shogun
I walk out "ok lets go"
She nodded
"Your back"
"Yup I only burn the house"
I walked out ,holding otama hand
"Lady your money?!"
"You may keep it"
I walk out the store
Just blending in with the crowd 
"Where should we be going?"
  "Im not sure? Let's just continue walking forward
Someone waas thrown in the air near us
"Who did this!?"
I back up grabbing otama
But then hitting someone
"Oh Im sorr-"I turn my my body behind
It was the kilometer dude
I quickly hid otama behind my cape
" excuse me ma'ma have you seen this lady and kid "
I shook my head backing up slowly
  "Ok thank you " he started to run to some other people
"That was close they're probably near"
Me and otama where almost about to pass the house
It was on fire
I looked at it some people were there In crowd I walk in the crowd to blend two people were there one was crying I walked closer and it was zoroand Okiku
I tap zoro shoulder
"Soo why is Okiku crying zorojuro?"
Okiku and zoro turn around
"Your alive?!"
Zoro shouted
"Why shouldn't I be alive?"
"L/N wheres otama-chan!"
  "She's right behind me"
Otama pop out
"Okiku!" She hugged Okiku
"And luffy?"
"He thought you two died in the fire and got mad and started to fight the dude that was there "
Zoro turn to
"Fight ? I thought you guys where trying not to undercover?"
  "Oh..yea.wait look its Him right there"
"Wait!? But he's bringing him over here !"
I shouted as luffy came running to us
"L/N!" He ran straight at me
"I ..thought you died!!"  He started sobbing about to hugged me
"Why You you why did you bring him over here!"
  "Oh otama here too can you give his tiger one of your rice cakes!"
"Huh..oh I get it !"
He just completely ignored my question
He kept ignoring my question so maybe I'll just ignore him for a bit too.
Otama had made a rice cake from her cheek giving it to luffy

"The robberies at the farm these day...
Are the work of you guys ! Even if it was by sheer dumb luck you took down urashima and that the kid and girl escaped "
  "What are you talking about!?"
"Luffytaro-san...please try not make him mad"
"He's quite angry already !"
"That why you shouldn't provoke him anymore..he quiet strong to but..the townspeople
Are really afraid of holdem himself "
I turn my head away for a bit then walking away slowly I Had saw a boat filled with food!
I walled in a alleyway slowly getting closer, then hearing someone breathing on my shoulder it was otama
"What are we doing?"otama asked
"Huh your supposed to be with them!"
  "Big sister!" She pouted
I sighed
"I was going to go on that boat"
"But how?"
"Hoping on?"
She looked at me confuse .
I grabbed her hand as we both sneakily get on the boat
"Thats how??"
She looked at me with stars in her eyes as we ducked down then hearing a big boom
"What was that !?"
"Someone on the boat of Food!!" Someone said
How could they see us?
We are ducking
I try to see if anyone else was on the boat.
  Someone else was on .....it was luffy
This idiot
"Otama I have a question "
"Will your rice cakes work on her?"
I point at a horse/girl who was next to the boat
"Im not sure ..maybe?"
"Can you try ?"
She nodded as she took out a rice cake from her cheek
And throwed in front of her almost missing,
But she actually got it?
"Try it ?"
"Ok" she move forward to her
It work she was nice now
"L/n! Otama !"
"Big bro !"
I ignore him
And walked pass him to otama
"Lets take this to the leftovers town !"
"Hmm ..? ...YES!"
She smile
"Hey zorojuro how did you guys get here?"
"Didn't you noticed who was pulling this ship ? Me and Okiku been here but luffy just got here "
Me and otama were only around at the food
I grab some cookies
"Otama try one ! There really yummy!" I handed otama a cookie
She look at me then shook her head
"Im waiting for big bro!"
"Ok!" I walk up to the front with Okiku and zoro
Looking forward to see someone actually some people
Whos that ?"
"I don't know but we have to tell them to move out the way" Okiku replied
zoro shouted
"Excuse us! Let us through! we're in a hurry!"
One move out the way
While the other one disappeared?
I jumped in shock dropping my cookies
"Oh hey Tra -guy!"
The tra guy grabbed zoro from his shirt
He was angry .
I looked down at my cookies they had broke into tiny pieces I stared at them trying to think if this was happening
"Roronoa-ya!! On top of you becoming a wanted person you drew Jack's attention! You promised you weren't gonna cause trouble !"
  He got even more angry
"First off ,why are you in kuri ,you were supposed to be a ronin in the flower capital!"
  Okiku turn around
"Is everything okay?"she asked
"No,its not!"
"Im sorry!"
"I had no choice,because I ran into luffy and her"
"Straw hat its him again!"
"Horselina-chan do you want to eat a other one?" the half horse lady said she was with otama
"Its delicious!"
"Why is even the enemy's headliner here?!"
"She was near the boat and that brat was able to tame her "
"He's doing as he's likes...hey! Where's luffy I thought he was with you!"
He had shouted at otama
"He said he'll be back,it seem he forgot something!"
He had sighed  jumping down walking to me
I glared at him
Then walking away
And moving to grab more cookies
And walkin back to otama horselina
He was even more angry that I ignore him,but I wasn't part of this neither did I know the plan so why should I be part of his anger problems
"Big sister! Were almost there! I can see the exit!"
Otama shouted I looked forward ,we at the exit but were going just a bit fast ,we were probably gonna hit the ground fast,
So I quickly grab otama and jump off before we could hit the groud from the boat the others did the same
I looked up it was luffy and he had a big bucket fill with water?
I walked over to him and the to zoro and tra guy
Luffy jumped down in front of us
"Big bro!"
"Tama! L/n! Did you eat something good ?"
"Nope,I was waiting for you!"
"I see then....oh?Tra guy! Its been a while!"
"Straw hat ya ...what you're doing is rebellious against the land of wado"
"Rebellion?thats not what this is about ?"
Luffy reached into his pockets
"Here" he handed her a apple and me one too
"Its a apple!"
"Tama Im paying you back for feeding us "
He patted her head
"Look at all this meat!"a villager said
Luffy quickly turn around
And ran
"Meat meat meat meat meat meat!"

*10 minutes later *

"Now you did it,now they'll really come after us, get ready!"
Zoro said
I nodded getting up
"Yeah ,we can't cause anymore trouble! guys?!"
"Your the trouble maker here! We shouldn't stay here to long,let's move on!
Follow me! We will go up to the ruins of the oden's castle
At the top of that mountain !"
We were saying goodbye to otama
"Ok I'll get going!"
Luffy picked up otama and putting her on Horselina
"Alright,rake good care of her horselina !"
"I don't take orders from you, servants naturally take care of there master!"
"Bye otama and horselina!"
"Say hi to grandpa long nose for me and tell him that I need the sword a little longer!"
"Ok! I'll tell master-sama that ,bye big bro and big sister !"
"We must get going!,master-sama"
"Yes! See you a again!"

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