this place

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I grab the new paper
We did it we did it
"Jan how long will it take to get to big mom she said she need me to do something wait I'll just call her"
  Ring ring
" its me" y/n said
"Go and work but go undercover with doffy"
You nodded
Started sailing It
Took a week to get there
Kinda fast
  You walk off the boat walking straight to the castle opening the door you
Where surprise he was the first thing you saw.
  You look to him
"Maybe I work with you" you ask
"Fufufu what can you help me with" he asked
" I can offer protection and fighting skills"
He look at you
Then his snail started
"doflamingo I need protection I need someone to watch the kids "
A random voice said
"Sure " he said hanging up
Then hanging you a note
It had a location on
  "Go there and help him out"
You nod walking out
  You saw many things
"Jan look theres toys here werid"
" how do they move "jan ask
You shrug  then walking on the boat and starting to sail to the location
You thought to your self
How long was I alseep for you question.

  It took 5 hours to get there it was far
But ice was blocking the entrance
You look at your hands then
You start to make a sword out of air
Then slicing it
The ice fell apart
You watch it but then sailing inside
You saw a purple head man . You
Suddenly jump off the ship landing on the snow
"Doflamingo sent me"
He noded while taking me inside
As we were walking
I look down noticing he didn't have feet
He look like gas but how
He stop at a door
Opening the lock and opening the door
It was bright and colorful
I walk in and saw huge toys and small ones
I look back a him "alright "
He started closing the doors
Walking forward seeing kids big small normal sized kids
They looked scared of me
"Wanna see something " I asked
One kid came forward
"Can I see"
" sure" you say as
You open your hand
Your hand started to spark then a fire start in my hand shaping it in a smile
"Wow how you do that lady!" The kid ask as more come closer
"Now that my little secret " you said
"Aww come on I wanna know"the kid ask
You stop and made a fake smile " Im y/n whats your guys name"
The kids all ran at me and started telling there name
You tried to pretend to smile but didn't feel anything
"How about I show you more tricks " you fake your smile
They all smile

~two years had pass~

You live with the kids no one other than the people who handed us food walk in
You could hear noises but what you question you ignore it
It was fun but all you did was bulid houses out of pillows
And play dolls or superheros
Each night you would be the last to fall asleep making sure each one was asleep
You would talk to jan sometimes in the night sometimes ace but he was still
Hurt not heal
Jan had a devil fruit but it was a werid one it made her have her room in space or something but it also allowed her to put people in there
  It allowed her to make a double of someone

luffy × reader "help me"Where stories live. Discover now