Chapter 13

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Annable jumped out of Paul's arms, looked at her mother.

"..." Annable said nothing, she was afraid still.

"What do you want?" her mother sassed.

Annable ran back to Paul.

"It's ok, we won't let her have to again." Paul cooed quietly.

He picked her up, and Annable cried in his shoulder.

"I WANT HER BACK!" her mother cried.

"So you can just do this again, I don't think so," John yelled.

"I promise, I won't, I won't!"

"Come on, let's go before her lid comes off!" George insisted.

The Beatles, Annable ran back to the studio.

"Oh, I'll get you boys, even if I have to do it through court!"

They closed the studio entrance door.

"Where were you, boys?" the manager asked.

"Just," Ringo gasped for air, from running seconds earlier, "out for a nice walk!"

"Yeah, it was just a walk, nothing out of the ordinary!" George chimed.

"Are you sure, your acting suspicious," he said while putting his hand on his chin as if he was thinking.

"Yes, we are! Sheesh Eppy, ever think of keeping your thoughts to yourself?" John said, annoyed.


"What, what is it?" John sassed.

"Never mind."

The manager left.

"Will I live with mommy anymore?" Annable asked.

"No, no you will not Annable," Paul answered.


"She's a bad, bad woman, Annable, she'll hurt you, again."


The Beatles were still in shock, that they couldn't even practice a song!

John kept pacing back in forth, until, Paul asked him, "What are you thinking?"

"How can we own, Annable?" he asked.

"Wait what-" George asked.

"Like, how can we become her parents?"

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