When Peter Met Wanda - Part One

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When Peter Met Wanda - Part One

New Jersey - 1969

Stirring in his sleep Peter rolled over onto his side and reached for his alarm clock, but his eyes soon snapped open when he felt his hand touching a weirdly shaped object. It took him a few seconds to focus on what he was touching, it was a happy looking garden gnome with a wheelbarrow. He yelled slightly while he sat up straight, he had no idea what was going on. He rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and yawned loudly, it wasn't long until he noticed that he was sitting on someone's front lawn. He had no idea how he had gotten there, he could have sworn he had gone to bed last night in his house. He was still wearing the clothes he had fallen asleep in last night, his goggles were still on his head and he was wearing his sneakers. But there was one thing he knew for sure, he wasn't in his basement anymore.

" Something tells me I'm not in my basement anymore..." Peter muttered.

Peter looked over his shoulder when he heard a group of people laughing, it sounded like someone had their television set on really loud. He got to his feet and took a look at his new surroundings, he was in a suburban area. The neighbourhood looked like something out of a television series his Mom would watch with his Grandma Maximoff on weekends, it was tidy looking and quiet.

" What the F***..." Peter said.

Peter covered up his mouth with his hand when he heard a beeping sound, he then heard a group of people doing a woo-oo-oo sound. He removed his hand from his mouth and swore again, but his swear words were replaced with the beeping sound once again. It sounded that one of those noises you heard in television shows when they censored out bad language, he felt like there was an audience watching him.

" Oh my, you have a potty mouth!" Someone said.

Peter looked over his shoulder and saw a woman standing not far behind him with a trash bag in her hand, the woo-oo-oo sound soon returned again. The woman had a look of shock on her face, she was staring at Peter. She had shoulder length red hair and blue eyes, her dress style was very sixties.

" What are you doing on my lawn?" She asked.

" I'm not sure..." Peter replied.

" Wait, are you here to mow the lawn?" She asked before she put the white bag in the trash can. " Did Vision call your Mom? He did mentioned something to me about hiring someone to mow the lawn this weekend."

" I think you've got the wrong guy." Peter replied.

" Then what are you doing here?" She asked.

" Let's say I woke up here." Peter replied.

" Are you homeless?" She asked.

" Nope." Peter replied.

" Then what are you doing here?" She asked.

" I don't know." Peter replied.

" How old are you?" She asked.

" I'm thirteen." Peter replied.

" Do you have a name?" She asked.

" Of course I do." Peter replied with a slight smirk. " Mostly everyone has a name, what's your name?"

" But I asked you first..." She replied.

" And I'm asking you second, lady." Peter said.

Peter looked over his shoulder when he heard the group of people laughing and clapping again, he had no idea where it kept coming from. The woman sighed to herself and crossed her arms, she seemed annoyed with him. But her facial features soon softened, she gave him a smile and offered him her hand.

When Peter Met Wanda - Wandavision/X Men CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now