Part 5: Bringing him Back

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(Hoover Pov)

We all gasps in horror seeing nothing from the top but just his legs.

"He's just legs!" Barley said, the both pair of legs starts walking forward. Stepping around carefully

"There's no top part! I definently remember Dad having a top part!" Barley holds me and Ian in utter shock

"Don't we all have top parts-??--wheres the rest of him?!" I ask in horror

"Oh what did I do?? This is horrible!"

Both legs start comimg to us, tapping around the room. A little feared but curious. Taking a step forward and looking over his legs

"There's...nothing. Just blue light!" I said taking a step back, Ian walks forward inspecting as well.

"Hello?" Ian ask

Both legs slides around, still unsure where's its--or where He is.

"It's really him. Dad, you are in your house!" Barley called him but no response. As if, he can't hear us. As he starts walking normally, he crashed onto Ian's desk and fell onto the floor.

"Whoa, whoa!" We all run over to him but quickly he stood up.

"He can't hear us." Ian groaned into frustration

"What can we do to make him think it's you guys?" I ask them both. Barley kneels down to his father's feet. Both his hands tap ontop of his father's shoes. Making a beat, both legs step back for a moment before he tapped two times, completing the beat.

We all smiled happily, both legs walks over to Barley. His feet touch against Barleys feet, tapping it happily over it.

"That's right, Dad. It's me, Barley." Barley smiled, both legs faced Ian. Walking towards him, trying to find him. Finally he does find Ian feet, the feet of Ian and Barleys dad squishes on top over Ian's. Comforting him, knowing he's there.

"Yeah, that's Ian." Barley tells him

"Hi, dad..." Ian's hand comes over his father's feet. Smiling happily at this scene, atleast this is enough for Ian to know his father. But Ian groans and looks over at his dad sadly.

"I messed this whole thing up. Now he's gonna be legs forever!" Ian groaned, blaming himself

"Ian it wasn't your fault, besides, even if he is legs forever he still knows who you are"

"No, not forever. The spell only lasts one day. At sunset tomorrow, he'll disappear, and we'll never be able to bring him back again." Barley explain inside the letter. Looking over at Ian's window, the sun has already set.

"Okay, okay, okay. 24 hours. That dosent give us much time, but..." Ian goes looking for his phone only to be broken

"Ian I'm sure it'll give you guys enough time to bring your dad back" I tell him

"Well, if that's so. We'll just have to so the spell again." Ian said, taking the staff and giving it to me

"Woah hold on buddy, from all I learned playing with Barley quest, you have to do the spell again." I tell him backing away not touching the staff

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"A person can only do magic if they have the gift. And my little brother has the magic gift!" Barley says happily, proud for his brother who even has the only skills to work the staff

"Okay, okay! But I couldn't finish the spell." Ian says, unsure of this

"Well it can be that you got distracted and lost trace of focus." I tell him

{Onward} [Onward t'e Quest!] BarelyXHoover(oc) Where stories live. Discover now