Part 10: Screw Up

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Hey yall! I know I haven't been updating much stories but college classes started and being busy as ever but over all. I hope you enjoy this reading! By the way, it's a long text!':)

(Hoover Pov)

At the front seat next to Ian driving. Looking outside as stars shine through the night skies. Sighing silently, turning back to Barely seeing him wrap around a white clean patch around my wings as Mr. Lightfoot was sitting, his feet tapping onto the floor, waiting patiently to meet his boys

"Barley, you really shouldn't have to aid me like this--ouch!" Hissing at the struck pain run through my wings, wanting to flap but wasn't able to

"Sorry! Just, try to stay still..." Barley tells me. He still hasn't gone back to his normal size, at the moment, he was standing on my wings. Cleaning it and patching it up now.

"How are you doing Hoover..?" Ian asks, not taking his eyes off the road

"So far, so good. I'm sorry I've gone bonkers earlier. It's been a long night"

"Hey dont worry! Besides, I've never seen you get that angry ever since I dropped your phone inside the toilet!" Barley laughs at the memory, rolling my eyes, leaning my chin against my hands. I stare out the window, chills running up my arms and ears.

'I feel cold, tired, hungry, sore and worst of all, a little upset and flustered. Not only did I get angry over a stupid van, but, I'm upset at Barley...No. I'm upset over myself....i shouldn't have yelled at him earlier...'

(No one's Pov)

Barley finishing laughing at a memory, he looks over at his dearest friend. Hoover was staring out the window, seeming tired and weak from all that's happen tonight. He knew he shouldn't have brought Hoover to this quest but, he thought it might of been the chance him and Hoover can spend more time together.

Barley knew Hoover was ready to settle herself down and start looking for a future. He didn't wanted to lose her. He still wasn't ready.

"Hey Hoover? Are you okay?" Barley asks climbing down from her wing and onto her shoulder. Looking over at her

"Y-yeah, yeah. I'm good" She tells him. Barley could only keep on staring at her more. He always found Hoover eyes appealing. It reminded him a Phoenix fire. In all honesty, he always liked Hoover. Ever since kids, he always found her standing out most other girls. Even in high school, still, he always manage to smile around her. He can't help it

"Hey Barley, thanks, for bringing me along this trip. It means a lot you wanted me to tag along and meet your dad." She says shyly, staring down at her hands fumble

Barley smiles softly, feeling his own self shy away.

"Ahh, yknow, it's no problem. I always dreamed of this day happening, and you coming along is a bonus" he says happily

"R-really?" Hoover ask, glancing over to him. Her eyes met his as his eyes met hers. His cheeks heat up, his blue berry ears turns into a shade of pink

"Y-yeah! We've always dreamed of going in a quest, look where we are. I'm happy you're here." He tells her

"Well. Im...i-im happy I'm here too Barley." She says softly, glancing over to him shyly

Barley started to feel his stomach knot inside as he couldn't stand still. Being next to her makes him get nervous. So, he jumps over to Ian. While Ian was awkwardly driving this whole time, he looks over at Barley on his shoulder and smiles

{Onward} [Onward t'e Quest!] BarelyXHoover(oc) Where stories live. Discover now