Confections and Affections Pt. 2

815 17 2

George Weasley x fem!muggle!reader

WC: 4.1k

Warnings: mentions of food, eating, tooth-rotting cuteness

A/N: okie dokie, here we go with bakery au pt 2! i cannot express how much i loved writing this 🥰 i hope you all love it too!


There was nothing quite like the tranquil feeling of an empty bakery during the early hours of the morning, when the aroma of freshly baked breads and pastries gently wafts through the small storefront. You sought the peaceful environment each day, happy to begin your shift alone to soak it all in before your assistant or any customers could come in and disturb the utter tranquility.

But despite the solitary solace, there was still one person that never failed to bring a smile to your face each morning. George Weasley continued to visit you first thing in the morning, his primary goal being to be the first thing to make you smile each day. And after the first few days, even just the thought that he would come was enough to set your day on a brighter path.

And so when George arrived today for his daily dose of breakfast treats, it was no surprise that you were ready with an excited grin and a special new bagel flavor for him to try. And as usual, George took his seat by the window and ate his breakfast while the two of you chatted over anything and everything. But there was a new sense of excitement in the air, at least for George.

"Y/N, I have something to ask you before I head out for work today." George brought his plate to the counter where you would take care of getting it cleaned.

Turning around from your position at the oven after just loading a fresh tray of muffins, you raised your eyebrows and looked at him curiously. "What is it?"

George chewed his lip nervously, something he almost never did, but for some reason this exact moment was bringing out some of his greatest fears. You placed your hand over his arm that rested gently on the corner of the counter. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah-" he dismissed your worries, swallowing his hesitation and just saying what he wanted to say, "Fred's wedding is in just two weeks." He blurted this out as if you weren't the one making the cake for the reception. You nodded, prompting him to continue. "If it's not too late, would you like to come with me? You know, be my date?" He looked positively petrified to hear your answer as if you hadn't been hoping to hear those words from him.

Taking his hand in yours, you wasted no time in answering him, "George, it would be an honor to attend your brother's wedding with you." You scrunched up your face in thought before adding, "that is, as long as they don't mind their caterer sticking around."

A sigh of relief escaped George's now smiling mouth as his brain caught up and realized you had accepted his invitation. "Oh, of course. If I'm being honest, Fred's the one who brought it up. He knew I wanted to ask you, but I guess I just didn't know what to say. It's probably the first time that's ever happened." He was rambling on, unable to stop the gush of words coming out.

You stepped out from around the counter and pulled him in for a hug, speaking softly into his ear while you held him close, "well I think you managed to say it just perfectly." A touch of pink rose to George's cheeks and he was thankful you couldn't see him at the moment.

Pulling away from you, George grinned as he glanced toward the door, knowing he had to get going to the shop before he gave Fred a reason to tease him. "As much as I hate to say it, I have to head out to the shop now. But I'll be back tomorrow, I promise." He flashed you another heart-melting smile, which melted you quicker than the 400 degree ovens in your bakery. And on his way out the door, you could have sworn you saw his smile grow just a fraction. And it had, because the mere thought of seeing you again sent a surge of excitement through him.

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