More Than Just a Game

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George Weasley x Ravenclaw!reader

Warnings: some violence, injury, worry, fluffy stuff

WC: 3.4k

Summary: unspoken feelings come spilling out when your best friend gets hurt at the quidditch match

A/N: Sorry for the emotional ride on this one, I seem to always make something terrible happen

Also, no hate to Ravenclaw for this because it's my own house, but I am confident that Ravenclaws are extremely competitive and would have some aggressive tendencies to make sure they don't fail...

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The air was getting colder, a sign of the changing seasons. Y/N loved the cool weather because she loved thick sweaters, wool socks, and the warmth of a nice outer coat.

It was also the season of quidditch, the outrageously popular sporting event where the houses could engage in some -usually- friendly competition.

The match tonight was one of the highly anticipated matches of the term. Y/N had to choose which team would win her support, her own house of Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor, the home of her best and closest friends.

She knew deep down where her true allegiance laid, but she dreaded potential social exile from her housemates when they learned the truth.

Y/N took a seat in the great hall across from Hermione, the two had planned on enjoying a quick bite before heading outside. "Ready for today's match?" Hermione asked, looking up from her plate.

"I've got layers on top of layers, Hermione." She responded, addressing the cold weather and hoping to avoid the underlying problem regarding the matchup of the day.

Hermione shot a pointed look at her, recognizing what she was trying to do.

"Okay, okay. I get it. Look, I don't know how I'm supposed to choose." She rolled her eyes helplessly. "You know who I want to win, but when I'm surrounded by my housemates, I'm not sure how I'll possibly be able to cheer for the opposing team." She slumped in her seat, defeated by the pressure to choose.

"You better not be talking about cheering against us today, Y/N. I don't think my little heart could take it." Fred's head appeared out of nowhere over her left shoulder.

She turned to look at him, a smile spreading across her face. "Y/N, you wouldn't dare to cheer against us, would you?" George's head appeared over her right shoulder, causing her to turn to face him.

"You boys know where my allegiance lies. Even if I can't be screaming from the top of my lungs for fear of total disgrace from my house. You know I wouldn't dare go against you. Besides, I know you're going to win." She smiled proudly at the two redheaded boys beside her. "But shouldn't you be out warming up? The match begins soon."

Fred looked at his brother. "Yeah, we're headed out there now. But Georgie wanted to come in and say hi first, didn't you brother?"

She pretended not to notice the rosy tint to George's cheeks as he glared at his twin. "I just wanted to make sure you were planning to come, that's all. C'mon Fred, let's go." He grabbed his brother's arm and pulled him toward the door, waving back at the two girls.

"Oh come on, Y/N, when is his charade going to end?"

"What on earth are you talking about?" She avoided meeting Hermione's eyes.

"You know exactly what I mean. You fancy George, and don't try to deny it." She crossed her arms over her chest, proclaiming her stance on the matter.

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