There's Snow Day Like Today

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Prompts: Snowman building // "So is this the part when we kiss?" // "If you throw that snowball, so help me-"

(prompts are mine)

Word Count: 2.7k

A/N: I honestly a d o r e d this concept and writing it was so fun 💕

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Winters at Hogwarts were always some of the most fun students could have. There was no shortage in imagination of what could be done when one mixed snow with magic. And when you found yourself surrounded by some of the greatest-known troublemakers of your time, there was no way to escape the inevitable shenanigans of your friend group.

Today was the first major snow of the season and it was practically a blizzard, covering every outdoor surface with a beautifully treacherous layer of thick snow. And this snow just happened to be the best snow for outdoor activities. Perfect for packing into shapes of varying sizes. So how could anyone be blamed for wanting to go out and let off a little steam in the frozen land of wonder just past the stone walls of the castle.

"Y/N, you have to come with us. Pleeeeaassseeeee" George practically begged you, quite adorably really, to get out from under your fluffy blanket and join him and the rest of the gang for some outdoor fun.

You tossed the blanket up dramatically, lightly smacking George in the face with the edge of it, and stood up with an over dramatic sigh. "Fine, I'll come. But I'll have to get dressed first. I can meet you all out there." You headed off in the direction of your room.

In just a few minutes, you were standing before the mirror overlooking your outfit. Tall and fur-lined snow boots over two pairs of thick woolen pants, a thick jumper you had stolen from one of the boys, probably George, over a turtleneck thermal and second undershirt for extra warmth. An oversized coat with a warm scarf and a woolen hat to cover your head. Shoving your hands into your gloves, you nodded at your reflection. As ready as you would ever be.

When the air hit your face as you stepped out the door, you were sure you would only last a few minutes before losing all feeling in your fingers and toes. The snowflakes felt soft against your cheeks, but the chill they brought was an unwelcome feeling.

Looking around for signs of life, you spotted movement a ways ahead, barely visible through the densely falling snow. But you headed in that direction, very glad for the many layers you had donned for this outing.

The snow, in the daylight, was nearly blinding, but you didn't mind being blinded by something so beautiful. And speaking of beautiful, finally you had managed to join up with your friends who were already hard at work rolling large balls across the ground, the blades of grass just beginning to poke back out from where the balls had rolled and subsequently picked up the snow in its path.

"Ahh she's here!" Fred yelled as he spotted your approaching figure.

"It's about time! I thought this snow would melt before she made it." Lee popped his head over a large snow mound, more like a snow wall, that he was packing tightly, a playful smirk on his face.

"I'm sorry that I didn't want to absolutely freeze out here, and I still might with how cold it is." You rubbed your arms as a dramatic signal to just how cold you felt.

"Well I'm glad you came. We can make hot chocolate later if you'd like." You smiled as two arms wrapped around you, warmth from his body heat (and his touch) spreading through you like smoke up a chimney. George was your best and closest friend, truly the only one who would dare to surprise you with a hug like this. But you reveled in the sweet intoxicating heat he provided.

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