Broken relations and 5 years later

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"Are you fucking serious right now??" Nathan yelled, I stood there in silence not knowing what to say.

"Exactly you've got nothing to say, you have guilt written all over your face." He spat. I stared at him as tears poured down his face and his eyes bloodshot red.

"Nath." I breathed not knowing what to say to him, I couldn't tell him the truth, I loved and cared for him to much to put him in any danger.

"Exactly Camila you've got nothing to say because you are guilty, you couldn't wait could you, as soon as you found out I was moving to London to join the band all your fucking birthdays came at once knowing you could shag anyone you wanted and I wouldn't find out." He yelled. I watched as more anger filled his face, we've been stood here arguing in the small park just 10 minutes away from our school for the past 15 minutes.

"That's not true." I cried finally get more words out, he stared at me and scoffed.

"Your calling me a liar after I just fucking saw you, I saw you Camila are your trying to say I'm just seeing things?? Because I highly fucking doubt I was. You ruined our relationship, you did not me, YOU. I wasn't enough for your slutty needs and that's what you fucking are a slut a cheat and I fucking hate you." He hissed.

He began walking away, more tears started running down my face, "Nathan please." I begged, but he didn't turn around or even stop he just carried on walking, not letting me even explain anything or even give me time. He just walked away till he was completely out of my sight.

I fell to the ground and burst out into tears, I can't believe this happened to me, I lost him the only person I love and the only person who helped me escape reality.

I don't know how long I was sitting there but it soon started to pour down with rain, but I didn't care my heart was broken into pieces to even give a shit about fucking rain.

"Camila." A voice called, I lifted my head and turned to my father who was stood there with and umbrella over his head.

"Go away." I sniffled, and looked back down at my hands, I couldn't look at my father he was the cause of this, the cause of me never having a normal life.

I felt a hand on my back, as my dads black shoes came into view. "Camila I am sorry, but you knew this had to happen, you knew you couldn't be with him for his own good." He sighed rubbing my back.

"I know dad but I could've just broke things off with him not break his heart and have him think I cheated on him when I full well didn't." I sighed.

"I know, and wait till I get my hands on the fucking bastard that forced you, but mio caro you can't do anything now just let him live his life and you start training for yours." He said, I sighed and nodded.

Even though I hated my fate, my father was right Nathan needed to believe that I cheated so he won't come back and look for me, he needs to stay away from me, for his good and I need to stop thinking about him.

I stood up after being sat in the cold concrete floor for god knows how long, my clothes.....well just me in general were soaked.

I smiled at my father and walked with him towards the car, time for me to get myself in gear now and focus on my family and my future business.
5 years Later

"AND SHOOT." My father yelled, I aimed the gun and started shooting at the target that was around 10ft away from me. I shot the last bullet and smiled satisfied with my task.

I turned to my father who had the biggest grin on his face. "What father?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows at his big grin.

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