Chapter 16: (F/n)

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"Levi, I want you to claim me."

There. You said it. And then you bit your lip, waiting nervously for Levi's response.

For what seemed like a long time to your anxious self, Levi merely gaped at you, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Then, all at once, it seemed to sink in, and he sat straight up, cupping your cheeks in his hands with all the gentleness in the world.

"Are you certain?" he asked breathlessly, his sheer awe conveyed in the way his fingers reverently brushed across the skin of your face.

You stared unflinchingly back at him, finding yourself captivated by his gorgeous eyes, by the pupils blown so large by desire that they nearly swallowed up the stormy grey-blue around them. Even though you were nervous, you had never been more sure of anything in your life. This male was your mate. Your home. You were meant to be with him, and, oh goddess, you wanted to be.

"Absolutely," you whispered.

Levi's breath caught. Slowly, hesitantly, his fingers brushed over your face, through your hair, down your neck – as if he still couldn't believe it, as if you were a dream that might disappear at the slightest touch. His eyes searched yours, still so full of longing, but at the same time, looking a little...lost.

Suddenly, you realized that Levi might not be comfortable being the dominant one in these sorts of situations. He could direct his subordinates into the proper battle formation, or correct their combat techniques, but those skills didn't translate to romance. In fact, you could see in his eyes, and feel through the bond, that he was afraid of getting this wrong, of being too rough or insensitive.

You knew that wouldn't be the case, of course. Levi had only ever treated you gently. Perhaps he just needed a bit of guidance to reassure him that he did know how to handle you, that he was getting it right.

You gave him an encouraging smile before placing a soft, lingering kiss on his lips. "Take your time," you whispered against his cheek, into his ear. "Just like you did at my house. Touch me. Taste me. I'm all yours, Levi."

Although it seemed like a contradiction, his body both relaxed and tensed at once. He nodded his head, then pulled back a little, just enough to capture your lips in a slow, thorough kiss. Once he was done, he nuzzled into your cheek, along your jaw, down your neck, intoxicating himself with your scent. He placed light kisses along your throat, followed by the brush of his tongue, then the soft nibble of his teeth.

You sighed and tilted your head back, offering more of your skin to him, showing that you wanted him to take it. His mouth left behind a tingling sensation everywhere it touched – one that trickled straight down to your core. "That's it," you encouraged breathlessly.

Perhaps in the future, you would be the one initiating things. You didn't mind taking the lead, if that's what Levi wanted. However, right now, it was his turn. He needed to mark you as you had marked him – equals, in all things. And despite his hesitancy, he was doing an excellent job of worshiping you, becoming more confident with each of your pleasured gasps.

His hands, though still gentle, were sure of themselves as they slipped underneath the robe, sliding the fabric from your shoulders.


You leaned in close to the mirror, marveling at the bite wound that had miraculously healed overnight. There weren't even any scabs or scars – just a mark in the exact shape of Levi's teeth that stood out against your (s/c) skin. Now, everyone who saw you would know that you were his, just as the mark you left on him indicated that he was yours.

Rejected (Werewolf Levi x Witch Reader Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now