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"I was once asked long ago why I fought so hard for a species that knows more about killing than it does about Peace.

'Peace?' I laughed. 'Peace is but a part of the storm that is War. One cannot exist without the other. After all, what is beauty without ugly, what is white without black, what is wisdom with ignorance, and what is peace without war.' The old man gave me a long look before speaking carefully, 'And who taught you this idea of balance?'


Such a complex and wonderous world. It's snow-capped peaks and arid deserts is the home of two species. Each alike in dignity, each abandoned by the wider galaxy.

My forefathers settled here 50 generations ago, cast out of their home by the people they once called brother. With nothing but the rags and sticks that ordained their bodies they fled searching high and low for a place to rest their weary heads. Earth would be that new home.

It was however already home to another species, the Akaanvy. The Warborn. They were named such for their incessant ability to wage war. Their extraordinary ability to fight for so long on the brink of collapse. Their resilience even when death and destruction surrounded them. To my warrior ancestors, it seemed the people had been born out of the fires of war itself.

They however preferred the term Terran, it was less extreme. After all they weren't an extreme species. Whilst Mandalore was a world of warriors and Kashyyyk a planet of nature. Earth was a realm of diversity, there were inventive scholars and colourful artists, great poets and heroic soldiers. Its people were one of culture, a culture so divers that the fleeing clan had only ever seen one other planet of similar diversity. The beating heart of the galaxy, Coruscant. This diversity allowed them to reach far and wide in their corner of the galaxy. Their natural resilience allowing them to survive on worlds that my fleeing forefathers once thought inhabitable.

But alas with expansion comes conflict. Conflict breeds violence. And violence ignites war.

9 civilisations stood against the expanding might of the UNSC and each one collapsed just the same. Some fought wars that lasted many winters, others crumbled at the very sound of the marching boots of the United Nations Space Command.

 Some fought wars that lasted many winters, others crumbled at the very sound of the marching boots of the United Nations Space Command

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The brutish Callen in their homes of volcanic ash, fell to the technological ingenuity of Earth.

The brutish Callen in their homes of volcanic ash, fell to the technological ingenuity of Earth

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It's a Big Galaxy (Earth x Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now