No Hard Feelings

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Have a picture of me riding a pig through trapdoors because I don't have any fan art that would fit this chapter 👍

~To The Story~

~Sapnap's POV~

Jealousy. Is that really how I feel? No, can't be.. right? It's like part of my world fell to pieces yesterday after Y/N and Bad's interaction.

~Y/N's POV~

"Ugh, the weather seems more sucky than normal.." I groaned whilst staring out the window. I was holding a cup of hot chocolate as rain down poured outside.

I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see a familiar blonde haired man walk over to the window. "Hey Dream," I spoke.

"Hi," he responded. "You're right. It seems to rain here a lot more than it did where me and the boys were before we came here."

I hummed a noise of understanding. "So what have you been up to?" I asked. Dream thought for a moment. "Nothing really. I've been working on clearing out a basement for the boys and I to sleep in."

"Why not just blow a hole with TNT?" I said, sarcasm dripping in my voice. He turned to me. "Y'know that doesn't sound so bad," he said. "Why don't you blow yourself up in the process? If you do actually decide to do something as stupid as that though, try not to blow up my house and, or my stuff."

He laughed. "Yeah yeah."

"I'm gonna go find-"

"Who? You're boyfriend?"

I stared at Dream for a moment, debating weather or not to dump the remaining hot chocolate on him. "What are you implying?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh come on, we've all seen the way you've attached yourself to Bad. Not to mention how much he adores you," Dream responded. I lightly hit his shoulder. "You remind me of an annoying older brother."

He wheezed. "Yep! I'm your long lost brother!" He joked. I tried holding in your laughter, which inevitably failed. "Okay then, older brother!" I played along.

"What are your two doing?" A familiar voice rang from behind.

~2nd person POV~ (I'm sorry I hate
writing in 1st person POV-)

You turned around to face none other than Bad. "Bad," Dream spoke, still giggling a bit. "This is.... Drista!" You glanced at him. "Drista?" You inquired.

"Dream and sister together. Drista." Bad stared at both of you out of pure confusion. "Drista..?" He questioned. "Wait so are you saying you're siblings now?"

You and Dream bursted out laughing at that.

~A few hours later~

'I hope Sapnap is okay.. he hasn't been ursine his makeshift house outside lately,' Bad thought. "Maybe I should go check on him." He mumbled.

He walked over to Sapnap's wood shack, and knocked on the door. "Hey, Sap! You alright bud?" Bad stood and waited for a response.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just been extra tired lately," Sapnap shouted back. "Is it alright if I come in?"

Sapnap sat on his bed, debating if he wanted to let the demon-boy in. He couldn't find any bad intentions. That didn't appeal as something Bad would do.


"Uhh.. sure! You can come in."

The door opened slowly as Bad walked in. "Hey, just wanted to see if you're okay. We haven't seen you around much and we wanted to check up on you."

"Do they always send you to do their bidding for them?" The charcoal haired boy chuckled out. "No, just the only one willing to check on people," Bad responded.

He looked over at his friend. Sapnap's posture seemed forced, almost as if he was uncomfortable. "You sure you're alright? You don't look okay.." he questioned.

Sapnap took a deep breath. "Is it wrong to have feelings for somebody who doesn't have much interest in you?" he asked.

Bad thought for a moment. "I really don't know.. sorry. But maybe the person you have feelings for does like you but they just want to hide it!"

The charcoal haired boy looked at his friendx the disappointment clear in his eyes. It took a moment for Bad to process what it meant. He sighed, and said, "I'm sorry.. I don't want you to feel like I'm stealing all of her attention away.."

Sapnap stayed silent for a moment before speaking again. "Hey, you're still one of my closest friends. Whatever happens, no hard feelings. Okay?"

Bad grinned slightly. "No hard feelings."

~End of Chapter~

Idfk where I was going with this to be honest-

BUT I do have something I need your people's help with. So I came up with an idea that this could've been the start of the Dream SMP, because it's an AU of course. However, I still have the original story plans. I like both ideas, but I want to know which one you readers will prefer. So comment here your opinions on it and what you would like to see!

Also sorry if this is shorter- it was a bit rushed-


Words: 832

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