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And omg i have gained 100 views since i last checked wow 😂
Im so sorry its been so long, i went to australia for 12 days eeeek! It was very fun, but i had no time for writing 😭🔫
I will try to make this chapter long, for you guys sake 😅

I steadied myself, and attempted to pull myself together. I tried to clear my expression, and remain emotionless. I failed miserably, but hey, at least i tried.
Unlike fang who stood with his jaw dropped open.

"So," i began, trying to sound casual. "Whats this, other thing?"
My voice cracked, and i winced. Geez i was out of practice.

My mum smiled sympathetically.
She turned a computer screen towards us, showing a whole heap of blinking lights and lines and stuff.

"After our discovery, we hacked into the remaining, and least damaged satellites. We found numbers and data that had been sent by some form of computers. We found, that... This is hard to say."

"Just tell us." Fang had suddenly found his voice.

"We found that there are other living organisms out there. They could be well, humans. But we are unsure. So, we need you to go out there and find out."

"You want us to safe the world, again?"

"Yes, Max. But this time, you are saving yourself."

Wait, what?
Mum tossed us six backpacks.
"Six?" I questioned.

"Your taking Dylan."

I felt fang tense beside me. This trip was not going to go down smoothly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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