Flame Extinguished

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Chapter 37: Smoke and Mirrors

A ballistics connection to Munoz sealed Pulpo getting whatever he wanted. Something that left Cal seething, though not nearly as much as Antonio Dawson.

Being forced by Belden to get Pulpo's ridiculous list of demands the next day while posing as one of his 'lady friends' during visiting hours did little to improve Cailin's mood. Especially when Pulpo leered at her and reached for her across the table as he demanded conjugal visits. Thankfully a guard landed a quick blow to Pulpo's back before Cailin throttled their only bargaining chip.

"You better be glad I am not calling the shots, because you would be pulpo gallego, dude," she hissed as soon as the guard walked away. "Going after cops is one thing, but bringing our families in it, low blow. Just remember what goes around, comes around," she warned before storming off to meet with the warden.


She returned to the precinct, working the octuple homicides, even though she knew it was pointless. Clearly Munoz was behind it; he hadn't really tried to hide it, but the guy was in the wind. IU was chasing their own leads using lord only knew what tactics, leaving Belden in an even worse mood than normal. Which led to Cally facing off with her boss yet once again as he gave in to all of Pulpo's ludicrous requests.

"Seriously, Belden, every single one of them? You gonna bend over when they drop him off too? You know Voight is going to flip out, don't you? One of their team got killed because of him, he kidnapped Antonio's son!" she bellowed, not even bothering to close the door to his office, knowing the entire precinct could hear them either way.

"I don't give a crap how Voight reacts, Perry said we had to work together, I don't have to get his damn approval on anything. In case you forgot, I outrank him; you as well, you might want to keep that in mind before you suggest I am bending over for anyone, toots. If your stats weren't so good..." he trailed off, an administrative intern hovering behind them.

Cailin turned, snapping, "what?" at the skittish looking intern, who held out a sheaf of papers. "Transport clearance and paperwork, need Lieutenant Belden's signature." Cailin ripped them from his hand and threw them on Belden's desk, "it would be easier to just sign a 'get out of jail free' Monopoly card," she growled, tacking on, "sir," before storming out of the pen.

IU was empty, except for a pale looking Jin, pacing the floor and chewing on his fingernail. "Jesus, Jin, lay off the caffeine, maybe," she said when he jumped at her presence. "Everybody out trying to work leads?" she asked, getting only a nod from Jin. "Alright, I'll check back later."

Cailin felt nearly as jittery as Jin, trying to check in with Shay to see how things were going with Severide or Devon, but got no answer. Voice mail also greeted her when she tried to touch base with Matt to see when he was planning on popping the question. She didn't even bother with Gabby, terrified she would be interrupting the exact moment Matt proposed; even though he promised he would tell her first. She hesitated before calling Clarke, having exchanged only texts with him, not sure if he was in better head space and still feeling a little wounded that he had shut her out. But not talking wouldn't solve anything and until they actually got Pulpo to the precinct, it wasn't like she had anything else to do.

"Hey," came Clarke's voice, slightly gruff, causing Cal's heart to clench. Was he angry she had told him to leave? She tried to explain she wasn't playing games. Maybe she should have just let him stay, perhaps he would have come out with it eventually.

"Hey, yourself. Did I catch you at a bad time?" she asked, her tone far more timid than she would have liked.

Clarke shook his head, stepping off the running path. Catching the worry in her tone, wishing he was seeing her in person so he could smooth out what he was sure was a furrowed brow. "Just out for a run, Cally."

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