Fire and Ice

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Chapter 28: Friendly Fire

There were plenty of open cases, enough to keep Cailin busy enough she didn't get the chance to miss Clarke until the long train ride down to her parents' for a joint birthday party for Cam, Cole, Cullen and 4 of her nephews and nieces. Her family was always celebrating something it seemed, with as many of them as there were; at least they did the joint birthday thing. Cailin had missed the lion's share of family get togethers. Being gone for thirteen years, her absence was rarely noted by anyone other than her mother. It was easier for all of them anyway, living either in Mt. Greenwood, Oaklawn or Tinley Park and having the benefit of a much more regular schedule. She normally didn't sweat it; but something about advancing her relationship with Jeff combined with Cullen's actual presence made her leave the precinct at a decent hour and board the commuter train at Union Station.

The ride afforded her the chance to catch up with Gabby, who was dealing with the most creepy near-stalker, Victor Ramsey. "There's nothing on him, Gabs, not even a sealed juvy file, I've checked every database I have access to. Guy doesn't even have outstanding parking tickets. I wish I could help, I really do," she said, filling her friend in.

Gabby let out a sigh, "thanks for trying."

"There a reason you didn't call Antonio with this?" Cailin pressed.

"Cally, you have brothers; would you call them?"

Cailin laughed, "I suppose you have a point. I'm headed down to see them all now. Can't wait for the interrogation, whoops, I mean family togetherness."

Gabby returned her laugh, "yeah, well none of them are actual cops, so you can guess how 'Tonio is at family dinners."

"Matty better thank his lucky stars he knew your brother well before you two hooked up," Cailin replied wryly. Her friend might be a brave firefighter who had dealt with more than his share of challenges throughout the years, but he wasn't exactly the toughest guy. She could only guess what Antonio Dawson would have put him through had they not already had a friendship.

"Speaking of which, convenient timing on going to family dinner when Clarke is out-of-town," Gabby teased. "Though if anyone can hold his own against your clan, a former Marine is probably a safe bet." Shay let out a snort from the bunk next to Gabby's. The guys all zoned out in front of hockey; the sleeping quarters were the closest thing to privacy around.

Cailin let out a groan, "oh crap," she muttered.
"What, what did I say?" Gabby asked, her eyes growing wide, wondering why her friend suddenly sounded so anguished.
"So you know how I said we were taking things slow?" Cailin said, her realization making her pale. "Uh-huh," Gabby said, trying to not sound excited, gesturing for Shay to come closer to listen in. Cailin drew in a breath, "well, um, that kind of went out the window after the whole Jones thing." "It's about damn time," Shay announced loudly enough for Cailin to hear.

"Hello, Leslie," Cailin snickered, thinking this was actually easier than having to catch both friends up separately. "Anyway, I just realized that given this turn of some point, he will actually have to meet my family."

"Clarke's a big boy, he can handle his own," Shay said, stealing the phone away from Gabby, ignoring her friend's glare. "It'll be fine. But let's chat about you finally stepping up, girlfriend. Really wish I didn't have to break up that near cat fight between you and Jonsey, would have been nice to see her taken down a notch."

"It wasn't like that," Cailin started, hearing Shay cluck in protest. "Fine, so it was a little like that. I just am not the marking territory kind. She really didn't leave me much of a choice."

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