Chapter 2

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*12 years later

Lee dragged his father to the door as the rain pelted down hard. He could not leave his father in the cold carriage all night. Large drops had soaked Lee to the bone his tears met with the rain. All was well moments ago, but now his father was dead.

Early that afternoon, Edmond received news that his brother Thomas was in an accident, one that would take his life before the day's end. Edmond ordered the carriage the moment he learned of his brother's accident, taking Lee with him. He stayed by his brother's side until he took his final breath moments after arriving. Edmond wanted to make sure his brother was dead. They spent the rest of the afternoon with the family lawyer, going over Edmond's father's will and Thomas' last wishes.

"It seems Lord William Brodrick made a will that would last two generations." the lawyer pointed out. "The first born grandson will inherit Oakwood manor and all the titles of a first-born son. No matter which son bears him a grandson first."

Lee looked from his father to the lawyer. "I am to inherent Oakwood manor?"

"It seems likely Lord Brodrick never bore a son." The lawyer looked over the rest of Lord William's will, "Unless there is over one birth. Thus placing the manor up for auction. Seeing as Wesley is of single birth, the manor is yours to do with."

"When can I move in?" Lee asked

"A week after the funeral." stated the lawyer. "They give the servants a week off. Once the week has ended, the will entails then gives them the choice to remain in service for the Brodrick's or leave."

"What of Thomas' wife and daughters?" Edmond asked. "Is there anything for me?"

"Lord William says nothing about granddaughters. Lord Thomas asks that you find the husbands before they are five and twenty. Lady Heather is to live with one of her daughters until her timely death." The lawyer looked over both documents, giving them both the details they needed. "No mention of his second son anywhere."

"That is to expect, I was nothing to him." Edmond replied, sounding content. "That leaves the youngest, Georgianna. She is not yet twenty. We can bring her to London for the season. You helped your sisters all find husbands after all."

"I did," Lee replied, remembering it was he who went to London while Wes and Les stayed home. "But cousin Georgianna is just seventeen, she can wait a few more years."

"And you take care of her, provide her with clothes and things?" Edmond questioned, "I will not hear of it, I will have her married before the season is over."

"While reading this over, I found something that was rather interesting," The lawyer said, looking up at the gentlemen who sat before him. Edmond's face became red with anger. There was a catch there always was. The lawyer looked over at Edmond, "Your father was very thorough. If the first son, is not married before his nine and twenty years the manor will fall into the hands of William's younger brother, if he is not alive it will go to his first-born son and so on."

"That bobolyne," Edmond roared, shaking the chandler above their heads. "Can Wesley marry for love or out of convenience?"

"It does not matter father, for I will have to marry to keep the manor," Lee replied, shaking at his father's outburst. How was he and his brother to marry? Their secret would come out and they would lose Oakwood's manor. He would have to discuss this with his brothers at once. "Is there anything else I need to know?"

"There is much you will need to know, but not your father. I will make you a copy of both documents so you may study them in your own time," The lawyer replied, stacking the papers together. "I have gone over these for the past five years. Thomas never made a will, they forbid it to do so. Lord William made it so in his own will. He was, however, able to make a request. The will ends when the oldest grandson turns thirty years of age. Thomas was hoping to last another eight years, but the lord works in mysterious ways. Perhaps it is better Thomas could never make his own will."

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