Suspicious Happenings

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It's weird not being at my mall but it's truly a beautiful thing that I'm able to be doing this, a new location, new experiences, a new life... well for two weeks that is. Walking into the mall manager's office was excruciatingly nerve-wracking, my heart was racing, I NEED SUGAR!!! Thankfully, I assumed this would happen, thankfully I left a few handy packets of sugar in my pocket, which I of course devour within 0.7 seconds. As I collect my things from the mall manager, Mr.Sparkles, who says "If strange things happen just report them to me..." in a very very ominous tone, but most likely he's just messing with me. I go to the bathroom and change into my uniform, then I hear a noise in the stall next to me. It sounded awfully violent as if someone just got possibly kidnapped. After I got changed I went to check the stall next to me for evidence of possible crimes but nothing was there so I just brushed it off.

I am just going around the mall catching the usual shoplifters on my segway and seeing the new views of this luxurious mall. I have to take another break to the restroom and yet again I hear suspicious noises, but this time I saw somebody climbing into the vents. All I could make out of the person was a bit of blonde hair, which oddly looked familiar to one of the janitors I saw earlier. I reported the incident to the mall manager, all I get in response is "Hmm if there are more accidents like that, report it to me." Which sounds normal but his tone sounds slightly angry, but I don't know why he'd be angry.

I went home and talk to Maya about the situation. she was weirded out to the point of saying "How does this happen on your first day on the job?! But at the same time this is LA so it's not too shocking." I still need to find more information on what's happening because I don't have enough evidence to take action.

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