seven | liar, liar, pants on fire

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The laughter comes before your yell of fear. 

You flinch at the sound, holding the book firmly in your hands as demonic laughter echoes down the hall, and into your room. 

Your heart drops and your blood runs cold. You aren't fucking doing this, not today.

You stay frozen solid in the corner of your room, before standing on shaky legs. You balance yourself against the wall.

After mustering up every single ounce of courage you can find, you walk slowly over to the door, barely breathing.

When you poke your head out, the demonic laughter immediately stops. The house falls silent.

You freeze in horror, and you let out a scream and someone walks from around the corner, to stand at the end of the hall. It's a woman. She has brown hair that falls just below her shoulders, and she looks like she hasn't seen the sun in years. 

You jump back into the room, leaning your back against the wall and trying to catch your breath, praying to whatever god is up there that she didn't see you.

But when you hear a small voice, you freeze.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n), is that you?"

Her voice is scratchy and you recognize it. It's exactly what your aunty used to sound like when she was high, or drunk. You let out an uneven breath.

"(Y/n), it's me! It's Emmaline!"

And suddenly, things snap into place. The familiar hair, the familiar voice- This woman claimed to be your cousin, and for a minute, you believed her. You guessed the laughter must have just been her- you were just petrified, and making the worst out of every single situation you were faced with.

"E-Emmaline?" You whispered softly, poking your head out from the room. You find yourself jumping when she was right outside, and you came face-to-face with her large brown eyes.

"Oh, (Y/n), you came back for me! I knew you would! I knew you would!" Your cousin cried, and she wrapped you in a tight hug. You hesitated, before softly rubbing her back. You realized she was wearing... Hospital scrubs?

"Please, please, come have a coffee." She asked. You didn't have time to answer nor question her choice of clothing, because she was pulling you by your hand down the hall and into the kitchen. 

Then the strangest thing happened. The minute you entered the threshold of the kitchen, it suddenly became cluttered with things- just as the kitchen had been when you lived here. It was like you'd gone back in time. It was a big contrast from the empty kitchen you'd walked into just a few minutes ago. 

"H-How did..." You stuttered, watching as Emmaline rushed to the fridge, getting a carton of milk, then turning and flicking the kettle on. 

"How did what?" You heard her ask, and you turned to her. She shoved an empty tea cup into your shaking hands.

"Th-This was empty. Just b-before, when I c-came in, it was empty." You repeated, running a hand through your hair. You held the book defensively in your hands. 

"I think you're a bit crazy." Was all she replied. You didn't answer, and continued to stand behind the counter awkwardly as the kettle finished boiling. 

You took the time to examine Emmaline closer, and you quickly realized that she was staring off into the distance, a far-away look in her eyes. They were glazed over and you felt a warning chill run down your spine. Something didn't feel right.

"Th-this has been really nice, E-Emmaline, but I think I r-really need to get going. I need to bring something to someone." You spoke softly, and you watched as the brunette's gaze landed on you nonchalantly.

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