Chapter 2

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My mind spiralled into a state of confusion.

As I entered the building, I noticed a giant bus pull up behind me. The Words 'Guns' were plastered on it and it was blasting heavy metal.

"Oh, there she is."

I was surprised to see Axl behind me.

"Good morning Y/N," He smiled.

"Good morning Axl. Are you guys going somewhere?"

Well no fucking shit.

"Yeah," he said while holding back a laugh. "And your coming with us."

"I am?" I asked with a perplexed look on my face.

"Did Eric not tell you?"

"I don't recall."

"That's fine. You got what you need?"

Looking down at my suitcase, I finally realized what it was for.

Last night Eric had called me and told me to pack a bag with a months worth of clothes. And me being the obedient employee I am, followed his instruction.

"Let's get going boys," he said while waving over the rest of the group. "You too Y/N."

Rushing over to the bus, we piled into it one by one. As I stepped inside I immediately spotted a giant L-shaped sofa. Bingo.

I ran over the couch and sat down.

"Comfy, isn't it?"

Axl walked over and sat beside me. Lighting one up, he began to speak.

"So where you from?"

"I'm actually from Canada. I moved here two years ago." I answered proudly.

"Canada?" He said as his eyes widened. "Why'd you decide to move here?"

"For work. I have a higher chance of success here then I do there." I mumbled, fidgeting with my fingers.

"Cool. Anyways, we gotta figure out sleeping arrangements. Couch or bunk?"

You paused to think.

"Whichever works best for you guys. Im not picky."

"Kay'," he mumbled as he scribbled something on a notepad. Then he stopped for a moment. "Actually I was wondering if you could do me a favour."

"What's that?" I asked curiously.

"So in order for me to fall asleep, I need somebody to cuddle with. And Steph is out of town."

"So what would you like me to do?"

"I want you to cuddle with me tonight." He grinned while looking me in the eyes.

I panicked for a minute. What?

I stuttered. "I don't know Axl. Wouldn't that be a little unprofessional?"

"Not if it stays between us. Besides, the boys are going out tonight. I won't say anything, I swear."

I thought to myself for a moment.
The truth is, Axl is a very attractive man. His long ginger locks and his penetrating green eyes blended perfectly with one another. His slim build and sharp jawline was hard to ignore. He was hard to turn down.

"I guess so," I finally replied. "But you promise that you won't say anything?"

"I promise."
That Night
I silently sat on the sofa and read a magazine. I admired the beautiful dresses that the ads presented, wishing I could someday model them instead.

It was Axl.
"Ready for bed?" He asked as he flopped down on my right.

"Yeah," I mumbled, glancing at my crystal-lined watch. "You sure their gone?"


We jumped up and walked over to the bunk. As I got onto the bed, Axl followed close behind.
Adjusting myself under the covers, Axl did the same.
But apparently he forgot to do something.
Sitting up in the crammed bunk he yanked off his shirt and tight leather pants. Axl fucking rose was just in his fucking boxers.

I didn't know what to say. What do I do?

Laying down beside me, he wrapped his long and muscular arms around me. His skin was smooth, and he smelt of cigarettes, alcohol, and perfume.
Trying to ignore the fact that the hottest guy on planet earth had his arm draped around my body, I shut my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

"Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Axl."

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