Chapter 1

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"Welcome to your office," Eric said, turning so that he was facing me directly. "Call downstairs if you have any questions."

I shot him a small smile. I was nervous; too nervous to talk. I had no idea who the hell I was managing or what the hell was even going on.

Departing from the round faced man, I walked over to my new desk. Sitting down in the stiff chair, I began to unpack my things one by one.
————————————————————————Day Two
6:48 am
I watched as the golden rays projected themselves onto the blank wall.

"Miss. Y/L/N?" An unfamiliar low voice said from outside my door.

I flinched at the sudden interruption.

"Come in!" I replied, trying to sound as friendly as possible.

The door swung open and five men walked in. They each took a seat in front of me as cigarettes rested on their lips.

"You must be Miss. Y/L/N?" The red haired one smirked, lighting up his smoke.

"Please, call me Y/N." I insisted, folding my hands in my lap.

Taking off his sunglasses, the curly haired one held out his hand. "I'm slash," he said. "I'm the guitarist of the band."

I just smiled at him. I still had no fucking clue who they were.

"We call ourselves guns n' roses." Said the redhead, noticing my obvious confusion.

"Nice," I grinned, adjusting my posture. "How about you guys introduce yourselves?"

"Oh, yeah sure!" Slash said hoping to his feet.

"This is Axl."

The ginger stood up and shook my hand.
"Nice to meet you." He said softly.

Sitting back down, slash continued.

"This is Steven, Duff, and Izzy." He pointed to each man.


"What's up."


The group erupted in laughter.

"Your such a douche man!" Axl teased, playfully punching Izzy.

"Come on man, you have to admit, she is pretty fuckin' hot!"

I blushed.

"Yeah, yeah," Slash said trying to calm the room. "Let's not scare away this one."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Izzy wouldn't leave our last assistant alone. I will admit though, she was pretty smokin'. But apparently she couldn't handle it." He chuckled.


The boys continued laughing. After a few minutes of random conversation, we finally got down to business.

"All you really have to do is come with us on tour and make sure we have what we need." Axl stated.

"Okay," I replied with a soft grin. "Thanks guys."

The group stood up and made their way to the door. Exiting in a line, one of them turned back.

It was Axl.

"I'll meet you guys in the room." He called after them.
Lighting up another cigarette, he sat down.

"So, Y/N," He says in his low, attractive voice.

"Can I help you, Axl?"

Tilting down his sunglasses, he revealed his piercing green eyes.

"Welcome to the Jungle baby."

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