Chapter 39

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Vera landed a number of klicks out from the capital of Muga Naturalak. There was no one around, the ground empty of beings for ages around, and they were carefully hidden between two hills. Dismounting, Rashmi got to work taking off Vera's saddle and checked the sore that Vera had said was developing.

Looks like we're the first here, Rashmi said to Vera. Guess we should've expected that.

I did, Vera said, lying down once the saddle was off. Even with the extra weight, I can still beat a horse—and Amor is moving at Vester's speed.

Due to the weaponry and armour that Vera had carried, Rashmi and her had decided it was best not to have another being flying with them thanks to the extra weight. Who do you reckon will be here next? Rashmi asked. She doubted it would be Shiori as the selkie had to swim through the sea and then up a river to get close to the capital. She was undecided between Amor, Tadeo, and Vester; and Shui, who was pretending to be Shiori with their courier gear to get through the border.

I think it'll be Shui, Vera said. They can cut along the main roads and whatnot, whilst Amor and the other two are struggling their way through the mountains. It was awful enough to fly through, I can't imagine actually walking across it.

Rashmi laughed. True, she said. She sat down, leaning against Vera's side, and the dragon curled so her head was resting next to Rashmi's hand. Again, she laughed, and obliged the dragon, scratching the spots she knew irritated Vera.

She sighed. It was strange, being alone with only Vera. Suddenly, she felt tired. A mental exhaustion more than anything else.

Hey, it'll be over soon, Vera said. We can take a breather. Things will get better.

I can only imagine how those on the frontlines feel, after so long on the warfront, she replied. I just... It's not the worst thing, fighting that is. But it goes on forever, and you see so many beings injured and- and dying. It's not like when we were in the spiritual realm either, where we had something we were working towards. It just feels like we're getting nowhere.

Vera breathed out, rustling Rashmi's clothes as she did so. We'll get through this, she said, and Rashmi knew it was true—there was nothing else they could do but get through it.

Sleep, Vera said, seeming to catch Rashmi's thoughts. She closed a wing over her Sensitive. It might not be better in the morning, but it will be the morning at least. I'll wake you up if the others arrive.

Thank you, Vera, Rashmi said, mind pulsing with love. I don't know where I'd be without you.

Why bother thinking about such things? Vera asked instead. You have me and I have you. Why consider the what-ifs?

Why indeed? Rashmi said.


Shui was the first to reach Vera and Rashmi. They came in on Kensho, clad in Shiori's somewhat misfitting clothing. "Shui!" Rashmi said, getting up from where she's been trying to scrape a piece of mud that was clinging to the spot between two scales.

Before Kensho had even come to a halt, Shui had flung themself off and crashed into Rashmi. "I made it!" They cheered. "Good to see that you made it through alright."

"I wasn't in as much danger as you," Rashmi replied. "How was getting across the border?"

"They wove me through pretty quickly after a few standard questions," Shui said. "Shiori had told me them ahead of time and they were pretty much word for word for what I was asked."

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