Chapter 19

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Shiori wondered whether messengers could tell when something's up. They knew that other couriers could. It was a thing whispered in the corridors or in your room, things kept quiet and silent. No courier was meant to hold allegiance to a single country or region above any other—they're meant to solely be loyal to the courier program. It's true, for the most part, but in the end they're only people.

And, like other people, they gossiped. Sometimes it's about work, sometimes it's about more mundane topics. There's a fine line for what needs to be kept secret and what can be shared, and the couriers walked it with confidence.

Shiori knew something was up. It was obvious in how they keep getting directions to go between Xiáng and Ōpunrando. Letter after letter. Scroll after scroll. This was something important, especially with how hard they were being pushed to go.

Once upon a time, couriers would take any path—occasionally making their own one. Nowadays, though, such a thing was too dangerous with spirits wandering everywhere. Shiori could take on a few spirits, they've done so before and they would undoubtedly do so again. But they stuck to the well-travelled roads, keeping up with patrols when they could. It was safer this way.

Kensho's still willing to ride at speed, at least, and they make good time. They've pretty much gotten the route between Xiáng's capital and Ōpunrando's capital memorised to every step. The usual patrollers there even knew their name, which said a lot.

So yes, something's clearly up even if Shiori wasn't sure what, exactly, it was. There were rumours they heard; snatches of phrases thrown into the air. Things about a spirit attack and the Magic Allies Academies. The world was constantly changing, it always was, but it's starting to seem like the world might be taking a turn for the worse. As if things weren't bad enough with the spirit war.

In the darkened corners of rooms, the deepest shadows of the street, people whispered of a war brewing. People were always whispering of war, though. Shiori knew that. However, it was starting to send a trickle of fear down her spine—accompanied with all the messages she's ferrying... Well, something was going down. It wouldn't be long until the rest of the world found out. That much was obvious.


A collection of letters presented to the public museum in the 36th Year of the Sky Age.

Letter 1: Assumed to be the answering message to the initial Terms of Reparations sent to Noriko Kishimoto. Letter delivered by courier Shiori Olaga of the Matautia Selkie Pod.

To the Prime Minster Qiang Chen of Shéng, the Ruler of Xiáng.

Her Majesty Noriko Kishimoto of Takashiri, the Queen of Ōpunrando, sends greetings and salutations.

I, her Majesty Noriko Kishimoto of Takashiri, the Queen of Ōpunrando, have considered at length your Terms of Reparations for alleged wrongdoings my country has committed against yours in the 23rd Year, Sky Age. There have been countless meetings held between myself, my council, and my advisors to discuss what you have brought forward. However, various Grievances have arisen upon consideration of your Terms of Reparations. Thus, there are many things that need to be discussed in full before we can continue reviewing your Terms of Reparations.

First, there is the matter of the location where the alleged attack took place. You have claimed that the event occurred within the borders of the Magic Allies Academy Randoakademī , but have failed to recall that the Magic Allies Academies are beholden to the Magic Collective first and foremost, as opposed to the government of Ōpunrando.

Secondly, you have failed to provide evidence that declares Ōpunrando to be at fault of the attack. Rather, you have identified several key witnesses of the attack, such as those who suffered injury as a result, without clarifying how Ōpunrando caused the attack. As it is common knowledge, I assume you are aware of the fact spirits appear randomly and that tears in the planes cannot be located beforehand. Unless you have considerably more information than the rest of the world in this area, I assume that you know how impossible your claim is.

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