part 3

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The day after the practical exam, 1-A was being told the results of the exam.

Aizawa: alright, ashido, kirishima, sato, kaminari, all failed the exam, sero also failed do to mineta doing most of the work.

Mintea: i believe you mean all the work mr aizawa.

Aizawa: i'm still talking mineta, don't interrupt.

mineta: s-sorry.

Aizawa: anyway, I said that any one who fails will not go on the trip, that how ever was a lie.


Mina: YES!

Aizawa: but those who failed will still need to do extra studying, that will be all.

Ida: A week at camp, I'd better get some supplies.

deku: I think I should get a big bag for my stuff.

kaminari: I need a bunch of stuff.

Toru: Lets all go to the mall.

mina: great idea.

Aizawa: oh and before I forget, remind y/n that he has to go too.

momo: y/n is going?

Aizawa: Its a class trip, and y/n is apart of the class, kind of.


kaminari: He beat you so how is he a loser?


Aizawa: And try to see if he will go with you for the shopping.

toru: Really, why?

Aizawa: the kid needs to get out of the damn workshop

mina: well I'm not complaining, his pretty handsome.

momo: I can go tell him.

Momo went over to the work shop and saw y/n working.

momo: um, y/n Aizawa wants to remind you that you need to go to the...

y/n: camp trip I know, I know.

momo: We were also wondering if you want to go to the mall with me and some friends?

y/n: Aizawa told to take me didn't he?

momo: how did you...

y/n: because the teachers all ways try to get me out of the shop, and to answer you i'm not going.

powerloader: If you don't go I'll ban you from the workshop.

y/n: WHAT!

powerloader: I always encourage hard work, BUT YOU'RE HERE LONGER THAN I AM, AND I WORK HERE.

y/n: *groan* fine.

momo's mind: wait, how can he be here longer than the teachers are, students shouldn't be allowed to be here that long, maybe power loader was just exaggerating

When class was over a few students headed over to the mall in their casual clothing.

Mina: alright so what should we get first?

jiro: I think I want I big carrying bag.

kaminari: hey shouldn't y/n be here?

momo: He did say he would come, with some hesitation.

deku: there he is.

Deku pointed at y/n and every one was shocked at what he was wearing, the exact same thing from school.

y/n: lets get this over with.

mina: do you where that everywhere.

y/n: yeah why?

jiro: You where a blue trench coat and black gloves everywhere?

y/n: that green haired kid's t-shirt says t-shirt and you're complaining about my fashion sense?

toru: thats fair.

deku: hey!

They all went their separate ways and y/n just bought another pair of the clothes he was wearing. A villain was reported threatening deku. The students went to check on deku, and y/n just went home. A few day later it was the first day of the trip and the class, including y/n, was on a bus. y/n was siting on the bus when kirishima taped on his shoulder. 

Kirishima: hey man, are you excited for the trip.

Y/n looks at him with this look.

Y/n looks at him with this look

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y/n: yes, I'm ecstatic.

kirishima: I get it, don't like being away from home this long, I get it.

y/n: yeah, I hate being away from the workshop.

kirishima: haha yeah, the teachers all say you practically live there.

y/n: I'm serious, I live there.

kirishima: wait what?

aizawa: everyone out, were here.

The class stepped out of the bus and were greeted by four people dressed in cat girl outfits, one of them being a guy.

deku: woah, its the wild-wild pussycats, they have been a group for around 10 years.

one of them claws at deku's face.

pixie-bob: we're 18 at heart, say it.

deku: YOU'RE 18!

mandalay: any way, will being staying at a camp at the base of that mountain.

She pointed at a mountain surrounded by miles of forest.

mina: thats so far!

pixie-bob: well one of your classmates has already left.

She points at y/n who already was making his way to the camp.

sero: well I'm gonna head back to the bus.

pixie bod sent a land slide to swipe the class down to the forest. The class then made to make their way to camp while dealing with terrain, dirt beast made by pixie bob, and mineta's active bladder. The class finally made it to camp and saw y/n resting on a chair.

pixie bob: what took you guys so long, that guy made it before we even got here.

Y/n: and as soon as they showed up the blonde started spiting on me.

pixie bob: got to claim him when I can.

kaminari: how did you get here so fast?

y/n: my quirk can destroy the dirt beast with a touch and I just made the ground push me to the camp.

deku saw a little kid wearing a hat.

mandalay: thats my cousin's kid kota.

deku: well nice to meet you, I'm izuku from ua.

he punched deku in his balls.


kota: stinking hero wannabes.

And so began 1-A's 1 week camp trip.

RIP Deku's nuts

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