27 | sasha

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Spring was coming around. Warmer weather? Not really. Much more rain? Definitely.

Our final spring semester had begun, and it was full of studying, tests, coffee, late nights and mental breakdowns. Theo was thriving, though. He was even happier, even more motivated than before, something many people didn't think was possible. 

Someone placed their books on the library table beside me, making me jump at the suddenness of it. A familiar chuckle greeted me. "Sorry."

"Just sit down, Theo."

He took his seat, and chose to open an unexpected book.

"The Shakespeare script?" I whispered loudly. "You're planning on directing plays now, too?"

He smirked. "No, just a bit of light reading."

I blinked at him. "You better be jokingly quoting Hermione Granger and not actually meaning that."

Theo shrugged. "Film is closely linked to literature, in my opinion. Besides, I do still need to improve my script writing skills to increase my chances to become a successful director."

"Do you not have exams to study for?" I protested. "I'm drowning in school work, let alone hobbies."

He gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "If I'm stressing you out, I can leave."

Guilt washed over me. "No, no, stay."

"No need to apologise. I understand how much pressure you're under -- this is your last push to get into a good university. Tell me if you need anything -- food, hugs, or even just some personal space."

I stared at him, overcome with emotion from his kindness and willingness to take time out for me. He raised his eyebrows at me. "You're giving me that look again."

"Thank you, Theo," I said instead. "I can't even express how grateful I am for you."

He grinned. "No problems, Sasha Li. I'm grateful for you, too."

"As for needing anything... nothing much at the moment, just for you to stay here and study with me?"

"Of course. Don't forget we're meeting the film team later -- this is the calm before the storm."


"Here, everyone take one!"

Davi started handing out lollipops, and I smiled gratefully before taking the grape-flavoured one. 

Raphael sighed. "Shall we have a general recap of how our holiday went?"

Halima cracked her knuckles. "I'm ready to tackle this more than ever." 

Lars nodded. "Same." 

Davi placed the remaining bag of lollipops onto the table. "Hey! What's with this energy?"

Theo chuckled. "Alright. I've got the general checklist here on the Google Doc -- can everyone see it? Great. Raphael and Lars, you've got the clips and their backup files, right? Amazing. Would you guys be able to pull up the dancing clips? We could begin from there for our intro..."

And so, the hours flew by, with the film crew hard at work, distributing parts and exchanging ideas for the order of the clips. The sun was already setting when Theo finally stood up and clapped once. "Good job, team. We'll continue to clean up, like the colour correcting, but for now, you're all free to go."

Davi's face brightened and he jumped up to hug Theo. "You're the best, Sir Director! I thought we'd have to get more done today."

Halima sighed exasperatedly. "Ignore his blabbering. Are you sure? We can get started on the tuning."

"We've been here for quite a while," Theo pointed out. "Don't push yourselves too much -- I don't want anyone to burn out."

Davi stuck his tongue out. "Ha."

Raphael rubbed his eyes. "Thanks, Theo. We really appreciate it. Don't forget to take care of yourself too, man."

Theo chuckled. "Okay."

Lars raised his eyebrows a little doubtfully. "Can leave?"

"Yes, you can leave," Theo assured him. "Just make sure you all complete your individual tasks by the next time we meet, later in the week."

Lars nodded, and swiftly exited the room, with Davi in hot pursuit. "Hey, my love! Wait for me!"

Halima shot Theo a smile and gave me a hug, followed by Raphael who waved goodbye before leaving as well.

I whistled lowly and turned to Theo. "That was productive."

He nodded, slinging his backpack over a shoulder. "We can't really do more until the clips are ordered first -- but the film crew usually are quite on top of their work, so I'm not worried about running behind schedule." 

I followed him out of the door, towards the parking lot. "It was nice, though, working on a project together. It's been a while since I've done something like this."

Theo winked. "You get why I keep coming back to team sports now?"

I chuckled. "That's still a bit of a reach for me. You're a natural leader, by the way."

He guffawed. "Please, as if you're not one yourself."

"I'm really a reluctant leader. Maybe because I've always had to take the lead as the eldest, and all the roles my parents shoved me in, that I wish I could switch off and just go with the flow sometimes. Anyways, on the topic of family, how's yours doing?"

He sighed. "Well, Willow's firefighter training has started, and she's staying at the dorms there. I can tell that my mom and Ellie are slowly accepting her decision, so that's good."

"And yourself?"

"I just pray for her to come home safely and healthily. I'm annoyed that I'm being petty over this, but I have to start somewhere, I guess." 

I took in his downcast expression and tugged on his arm. "Hey, you can't rush yourself either. Sometimes, although I've understood something logically, I still need time to process it emotionally, as much as I tell myself that I lead with my head, not my heart. We're human beings, after all, not robots." 

He chuckled. "Seems like you're the one with a way with words now." 

I rolled my eyes. "After all that public speaking training my parents put me through? I hope so." 

He grinned and faced me when we reached his car. "Thanks for your time today."

"You don't have to thank me. I'm here because I want to." 

His gaze held me still. Softly, he murmured, "May I kiss you?"

There was a gentleness, a vulnerability in that single question, that took my breath away. I smiled.

Then he brought his lips to mine.

They were warm, soft and steady, the exact representation of the person he was. I trembled against their touch, and reached up to place my hands on the nape of his neck. I melted into his embrace, and then I was kissing him back urgently, desperately, as if this was a dream and he would slip away at any second.

We pulled away, and he chuckled against my ear, "We should go just in case someone checks the cameras."

I giggled. "Don't want to shock any staff members now, do we? What a scandal that would be, golden boy Theo." 

He made a face. "I would be blamed for corrupting you, top student Sasha."

I rolled my eyes jokingly. "Okay, let's go." 

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