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"No, not like that!"

"Could you scoot over a bit?"


My mom and sisters were already making breakfast by the time I went downstairs the next morning. I arched an eyebrow as I entered the kitchen. "Whoa, what's all this?"

"Mom insisted on making some of Aunty Okwi's blueberry pie," Willow explained. "But Ellie's making such a mess."

"I'm not," Noelle huffed.

"Not pancakes?" I asked. "Ellie knows how to make those better." 

"We've got to welcome Sasha with some First Nations food," Mom pointed out. 

Noelle sighed. "I'll just go set up a fourth set of cutleries. Is she still sleeping?"

I nodded, trying to hide the big grin, but it was useless. My mom chortled. "So, I finally get to meet the famous interviewer?"

"Don't overwhelm her, though," I reminded. "Go easy on her."

"This is the first time you're bringing a girl to our house," my mom pointed out nonchalantly. "She's already passed my standards test."

"Theo turns into a blabbering mess in front of her," Willow snorted. 

"He blushes too," Noelle added unhelpfully. 

I covered my cheeks subconsciously. "I don't blush."

My mom shot me an apologetic smile. "Honey, you definitely do."

I ran a hand through my hair. "Okay, I do like her. So please, please don't embarrass me."

My sisters exchanged a cheeky look. Willow deadpanned. "Copy that." 

"Sis," I warned. 

"What?" She asked innocently, blinking slowly and deliberately. "I'm not going to tell the story of your pants falling down on the soccer field in front of everyone when you first tried out."

I gapped at her and Noelle clapped her hands gleefully. Before I could defend myself, footsteps sounded on the stairs. 

Willow recovered first. "Morning, Sasha. Glad to see you again."

Sasha paused. "Morning. So sorry to come unannounced again." 

Noelle nudged me. "Don't worry, you were announced this time."

I turned slowly, hoping my ears weren't tomato red. "Hey." 

Sasha had changed out of the pyjamas Noelle had lent her, and was back in her clothes from the previous day. She smiled hesitantly and descended the rest of the stairs. "Hey."  

My mom beamed. "Ah, so you're Sasha! I've heard so much about you."

She ignored Sasha's outstretched hand, and instead embraced her with a hug. Sasha stiffened but quickly melted into the hug, taking it in her stride. "Happy to meet you too, Mrs Atkinson."

My mom stepped back, still holding her, and observed her from head to toe, as if she was a proud mother judging how much her daughter had grown up. "Please, call me Esther. You're a fine young lady, Sasha. I must thank you for helping my son out with his film. I know how much this film festival means to him."

Sasha glanced over at me. "No worries at all. He's doing a really good job."

"Let's hope the judges will think so too," Noelle laughed. "I'm actually hungry. Making food took up all my energy. Can we eat now?"

Willow scoffed. "As if you did much." 

Noelle gasped dramatically. "Mom!" 

"The audacity you have, trying to use the youngest child whining."

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