My Friend Betrayed Me

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While Izuku was roaming the  halls he noticed that something was going on, he heard gunfire ahead of him so he turned around to go get Eri, but when he arrived he noticed that she wasn't in her room, so even begin to run through the halls to try to find Eri, as he was running he noticed the doors to overhaul office was open, he runs in there to see if she was in there, as he entered the room begin to look around for Eri, does he looked around he couldn't find it in there, but that didn't make Izuku stop searching in overhaul's office, ever since he found those same blueprints in his office, Izuku had to find some more evidence that could be connected to Izuku's family, he searched around everywhere even destroying the whole room but there was nothing, as he was about to give up he noticed something picking behind the bookshelf, Izuku begins to move the bookshelf to see what it could be, as the bookshelf was moved he didn't notices a tiny hidden door, he opens it and finds a box full of documents Izuku takes it out and pleases it on the desk of the office, he begins to take out all the documents from the box and finds the a way to make the drug to kill someone quirk, but what grabbed his attention even more for the giant document that was thicker than all the others, as he opened it he saw names and pictures of Yakuza families, as he's getting through all the papers the last one he saw was was his own family name, then begins to read the documents and it says that the Suzuki family refused to assist Overhaul's project of killing quirks, but that wasn't all he even found the incriminating  evidence that the Suzuki family has committed through out the year.


"It was him, he's the one responsible for everything that happened to my family!"


"So you finally figured out the truth."

Izuku turned around and saw overhaul at the door entrance.


"You son of a bitch, I'll kill you so what you did to my family."


"This is what your gun?, I know you're you're quick with a gun, but you have no chance against my quirk."


"How about we test that out Kai, my gun versus your quirk."


"You must really have a death wish Izuku."

Izuku began to hover his hands over his gun holster and Overhaul had his right hand on his left glove, Izuku then quickly grabs his gun but Overhaul was a bit faster and took off his glove and placed it on the ground, which made his quirk make spikes that stabbed Izuku straight into the stomach, which killed him instantly.


"What an idiot, thinking you can kill me with just a gun, but it's too bad I could have used his skills much longer, but whatever."

As overhaul left to go back to Chronostasis and Eri, he did not notice that Izuku's dead body begin to melt.

~Somewhere in the halls~

In somewhere else in the halls Twice was explaining what was happening to the real Izuku.


"Hey buddy your double dead, it looks like jerkhaul killed him."


"Alright then, thanks for helping me out."

From knowing that his devil is dead and Overhaul is responsible for what happened to his family, Izuku then began to walk away from twice.


"Hey where you going?"


"I'm going to go kill Kai."


"Oh all right then, make sure you put a bullet in his head for me."

Izuku and Twice and then walk their separate ways, as Izuku was heading straight to Overhaul, he knew that he couldn't kill him in just a pistol, so he went to the the armory that had ton of weapons to take out a small army.


"Get ready Kai cause you're my Target now."

~To be continued~

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