Meet Our New Allies

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Through the past few weeks Izuku has been tending to all of Eri's wounds after Overhaul's torturous surgery, every time Izuku bandaged Eri's arms he will try to create some conversation with her, but she won't even say a single word to him, instead you constantly look down to the floor and always had an unhappy look at this, Izuku felt so bad that he couldn't even do anything too help her.

~Eir's room~

Every time Overhaul took Eri to do his surgery on her, Izuku had to wait outside of the store, but every time he waited outside of the door he can hear Eri's painful screams, but once the surgery was finally over Overhaul was always the first ones to come out, he will then leave to do other tasks and that's where Izuku will step into the room to patch Eri write up, after he did that he will carry his back to her room, once they were in there Izuku set her down on bed, he then turned around to leave but is stopped once he feels Eri tugging on his sleeve.


"Mister, can you stay here a bit longer until I fall asleep?"


"Alright, I'll stay as long as you want me to."

Eri then lay down on her bed and Izuku I sat on a chair that was right next to her bed, but while he was sitting there he noticed that Eri kept on moving and was shivering with some reason, the room was not even cold or hot, it was a basic room temperature.


"Eri are you feeling?"

She doesn't respond to Izuku's question, she's an attempt to stop her shivering and moving but she's somehow couldn't, so Izuku got onto the bed and put his hand on Eri's head and begin humming, is shivering then begin to stop and started to fall asleep from Izuku's humming, after she was finally sleep Izuku got off the bed and left the room, just from helping your fell asleep was not even enough please him he just wishes that he could help her even more, he stood outside of Eri's room until he hears someone call him.




"Yes Kurono?"


"I've been looking for you."


"What do you want?"


"I have a message from Overhaul."


"What's the message?"


"He wants you to attend a meeting for the new members that will be helping us."


"New members, who are they?"


"You'll have to wait to see."


"Alright let's go then."

Izuku then follows Chronostasis to a room and sees overhaul sitting on a couch and behind him was all of his followers, but when both of Izuku and Chronostasis went to go stand behind overhaul as well, two people walked in, from first glance Izuku thought it was a bit strange to see a high school girl and a man in a costume, but just from looking at them Izuku knew that they didn't want to be there at all, and when they started talking they mentioned someone named big sis Magne, Izuku then looked at Overhaul I knew that's something you must have happened between them, but after the whole meeting was over the man and the girl were escorting somewhere else, everyone then began to leave but while Izuku was leaving with the others, Overhaul pulls him a side.


"Hey Izuku how about we have a drink together?"


"Sure let's have a drink."

Overhaul then takes Izuku to a office, once in there Overhaul goes to a cabinet and grabs a bottle of Japanese whiskey, he gets too nice looking glass cups when he begins to pour the whiskey into both of them, Izuku and Overhaul take their glasses.


"Hey Izuku how about we make a cheers."


"To what?"


"How about the family."


"To family then."

Izuku and Overhaul then clink their cups and take a drink of their Japanese whiskey.


"Oh I nearly forgot, I have something for you, wait here I'll go get it."

Overhauled and steps out of the room and Izuku begin to look around the room, he admired the decor of the room it's someone reminded him about his father's office, but while he was looking around he noticed some sort of blue paper sticking out of a drawer, it's going to help but to be curious and pull it out to see what it might be, and what he pulled out was something he was not expecting to see again, it was the same blueprints that he got from Mrs. Iida, certainly he starts to hear the door being open he puts the blueprints back where he got them and keeps his cool, Overhaul steps into the room with the box in his hands, he approaches Izuku handed towards him, Izuku opens the box and sees that it's a identical mask to his.


"Thank you for the gift Kia."


"You're welcome my friend.

After that Izuku left the room begin to Walk The Halls, but while he was walking through the hall he kept thinking about those blueprints and why it is here, but while he was walking around he noticed the man in the weird costume he saw in the meeting, Izuku then the person approaching to ask him something.


"Hey you there."


"Who me?"


"Let's have a talk."

~To be continued~

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