Izuku Meets The Curs Little Girl

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After the car ride Izuku arrived at Overhaul's home, overhaul began to show Izuku around his home, after that Overhaul took Izuku to the guest bedroom so he could rest up.


"You'll be staying in this room for the night."


"Thank you Kai."


"You're welcome and it's Overhaul."


"Oh yeah sorry about that."


"It's alright, now get some rest tomorrow I will show you how we make the drug."


"Alright then see you in the morning."

Overhaul then leaves Izuku alone in the guest bedroom, Izuku then proceeds to remove his jacket and loosen his tie and took a seat at the edge of the bed, and you begin to look around and sees how nice and clean it is, even leaves on the bed and falls asleep right away.

~The next day~

When the sun begins to rise Izuku's alarm begins to ring on his watch, he wakes up and turns it off right away, he proceed to sit up on the bed and got off as well, Izuku then proceeded to stretch a bit but while he was doing that he hears a knock on the door, he approaches the door into it as well, once the door was open Izuku sees a man wearing a black doctor mask and a white cloak, Izuku has never seen this person before.


"Good morning Izuku."


"Umm have we even met before?"


"No we have not, but I've heard lots about you from Chisaki, here let me introduce myself my name is Hari Kurono but you can call me Chronostasis and I am overhauled assistant.


"Oh it's nice to meet you."

Izuku put his hand out to shake Chronostasis's hand but he does not take it, instead he hands over a paper bag to Izuku.


"Here, overhaul wanted me to give you these."

Izuku opens the bag and sees some clothes


"Oh thank you."


"Once you're done changing into those, go to the hallway so you could meet up with overhaul."


"All right then."

Chronostasis then proceeded to leave, Izuku shut the door and begin to change into the clothes he got, as he was finishing putting on his green gloves and small face mask went to the hallway and saw overhaul and chronostasis standing in the middle of the hallway, when Izuku approach them overall couldn't help but to compliment Izuku's new outfit.


"The outfit actually suits you a lot better then your old suit."



Omaha then proceeds on opening a hidden door which had to a labyrinth of cement hallways, well walking through them Izuku begin to think that these hallways are very similar to the ones under the hotel, but before Izuku mention that to overhaul, they reach a double door and walk straight into it, the room was very dim and had a two-way mirror, and on the other side of this mirror was a little girl with a silver hair and a horn sticking out of her head.


"Why is there a little girl in there?"


"That little girl is in there for a reason."


"And what's the reason?"


"She's the key behind the drug."


"Her own quirk allows her to erase people from existence, and we're using DNA so we could make the drug."

After Izuku head what chronostasis said he turned his head back to the little girl and saw her arms were bandaged, which pushed Izuku's temper, he turns over to overhaul and grabs him by his jacket.


"Kai tell me why are her arms bandaged, and you better tell me she got hurt!"

Izuku then feels a end of a barrel of a gun poking behind his head.


"Let him go or else I'll pull the trigger."


"Not until I get an answer from kai!"


"If you really want to know, it's because she's recovering from the surgery I give her."


"How dare you, she's just a little girl."


"Just a little girl huh, that little girl completely erased her own father from existence, surround mother dropped her off here cuz she was scared of her and her cursed power, she's not a little girl she's nothing but a cursed child that will kill anyone if she uses her own quirk, but she only has one use and that is her DNA, don't you get it my old friend this cursed little girl has only one use and that is to create this drug so we can get rid of all of the quirks in the world, so if that's what you wanted to hear I think you should let go of me now.

Izuku then removes his hand from Overhaul's jacket and chronostasis holsters his gun.


"Ka-, I mean Overhaul, I want you to let me intend to wounds after a surgeries.


" may I ask why?"


Because her bandages they're getting raggedy, and I bet you don't want her getting an infection in one of her wounds do you?"


"All right then, I leave you in charge of all of Eri's wounds."

From that day Izuku was now attending to Eri's wounds from her torturous surgery.

~To be continued~

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