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~* The waters of the seas

           Are troubled as by storm.

    The tempest strips the trees

           And does not leave them warm. *

                           - C.H. Sorely

* * * * * * * * * *

“I’m beginning to be rather glad I bumped into you after all,” Caleth smirked, as Leia emerged through the end of the maze and he stumbled out behind her.

“Yes, you would have been lost to the world, trapped in the Illyria labyrinth like the fearsome Minotaur, until Theseus came to slay you and rescue the fair maiden. Except here we have a distinct lack of fair maidens trapped in the maze,” she retorted.

He looked affronted. “Who says I couldn’t be the fair maiden? I would much rather be rescued than slain, thank you.”

Leia laughed. “Well then, come along, my fair damsel, for your dreams have come true and you have been rescued. My family should be waiting in the Hall.”

He threw her a sidelong glance. “Alright, but don’t think I won’t have questions for you later. And I’m expecting answers.”

To this, Leia just shrugged, warding off his scrutiny for the time being, and leading them back towards the house. They didn’t travel the way she had come before – after all, she had used the kitchen, and to bring the Prince of Myaengaer into Illyria Manor through the kitchen would be universally frowned upon.

And unhelpful in shaking my less-than-ladylike reputation, she thought dryly. Most of the villagers were friendly, warm souls but Amareth, like any other village, had its share of traditionalists.

These types felt that it was rather inappropriate for a young lady of any rank to learn academics, literature and politics, or to run wild in the “enchanted forest.” Their eyebrows raised and noses crinkled further when they talked of the magic associated with the family.

Leia, however, didn’t care a fig what they thought. She was as comfortable in the depths of the forest as at a formal dining table, thanks to her strict etiquette training, and she was sure that her family would be the perfect hosts for this royal entourage.

“Your manor is very beautiful,” commented Caleth, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them as they walked.

Leia felt a swell of pride bubble into her chest. To her, there could be nothing more enchanting or comfortable than her rambling home. She smiled as she placed her hand on the rough, grey stone of the nearby wall, tendrils of the lush ivy that had slowly crept down it tickling her fingers.

“There couldn’t be a more special place in any land to me. I love everything about it here.”

“In that case, I must arrange a tour. You wouldn’t happen to work here, would you?”

Leia laughed, thinking of how he had mistaken her for a servant at first.

"I think I can help you. I’m in very close with the family.” She sent him a cheeky wink.

Caleth broke into a sudden, sincere grin, and Leia had the distinct impression that this was a rare expression on a too-often-serious face. It was quite like the sunlight bursting through the dark clouds and warming everything it fell upon, and Leia found that she was rather fond of the way his eyes crinkled around the corners and lit up from within. She smiled back, suddenly a little shy. This surprised her, since she had always been self-assured and spirited, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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