Chapter 5:The on going puzzle

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a women's frail wrinkled face peered through the crack in the door her attentive eyes moved up and down thoroughly inspecting Lilian. After a moment of this Lilian found her voice "I sincerely apologize for being a bother to you ma'am but I'm afraid we are in need of assistance , you see our carriage is stuck and...." "My dear child" the women abruptly interrupted "come in or you shall surly catch cold!"the harshness had left the women's eyes replaced with concern. The enormous blue door was then swung open and before Lilian could protest and mention mr.Felswick she was yanked inside. The house was decorated with bright happy colours giving Lilian a warm feeling inside and out.within the blink of an eye Lilian was whisked away from the door and seated beside the roaring fire and wrapped tightly in a fluffy scarlet blanket. The strange women then left the room leavening Lilian entirely confused and in shock. Scratching her head Lilian arose from her warm haven and approached the nearest window waving at mr.Felswick to come inside.After he responded with a wave Lilian went back and nestled herself next to the fire once more and let out a loud relaxed sigh.Several minutes later the elderly women re-entered the room carrying a tray of tea and biscuits to warm her up. mr.Felswick was then welcomed into the house shortly after Lilian informed the women he was still out in the rain with the horses". When they were all seated the women introduced herself "My name is Tamila Fostas and I hope I can be of help to get you back on your journey" her voice was calm soothing which put Lilian at ease. Lilian then sipped her tea and collectively spoke "my apologies for not introducing myself earlier I am Lilian Laustson". "LAUSTSON!" Tamilas voice cracking as is rose "My dear girl I cannot believe I didn't recognize you but it's been so long, for I knew your mother Cynthia quite well before..." Tamils hesitated "Well your probably quite aware of the accident I'm sure it still hurts to speak of it". Lilian shot up from her seat and stared attentively at ms.fostas her voiced rose as she spoke "no no please do tell me what happened" when Lillian noticed that ms.Fostas seemed startled she then lowered herself bashfully back into her seat. "I mean if you don't mind I'm sad to say I really don't know much of her except that she is no longer with us". "Dear girl" the women cooed "I would be more than happy to share that with you but first answer me this has your father not informed you anything of your sweet mother Cynthia"? When Lilian shook her head as she lowered her gaze. Tamilas face moulded into a frown "it must be to difficult for him to speak of it for you see it was quite tragic and he loved her dearly"."Come sit next to me child for it is a private matter" when lilian was seated closely next to Tamila she continued "let me start from the beginning your mother was close friends with my daughter Rebecca and had been since they were very young they were very close infact the were inseparable even after they both got married nothing changed." Timilas mind seemed to warder back to distant memories Lillian could tell she was envisioning ever thing as she told the story "together they went on alot of adventures but there was nothing they liked better than row boating in the lake behind the garden once they were out there it was near impossible to get them to come back. Then when you and my grandson Ashur were born you were the just like your mothers 'the best of friends' at least that's how it seemed when you were both 'knee high to a grass hopper'. when my grandson and you were four or five your mothers decided to finally take you along on one of there adventurous boat rides" tamilas eyes darkened and her face went pail as if she were in a dreadful dream "and?..and?" Lilian encouraged her to continue but her words to faltered "and that was when it happened, when I lost my baby" her eyes filled with pools of tears and her body shook vigorously as she tried to hold back the painful emotion. Tamila composed her self and in a whisper clarified the disaster "The boat some how tipped and they... Well they where able to push you two children aboard but then they both went under and they never came back up". When the story reached its end Lillian's eyes welled with tears this is what she had been waiting to hear for most of her life yet after she did she wish she hadn't heard such a tragedy. Tamila reached over and embraced Lilian as tears trickled down her face. After venting her sorrows to tamila Lilian and the driver were then informed that tamilas son and grandson would be coming the next day for a visit "when my son and grandson arrive on the morrow they can help you with the wagon, but tonight you will sleep here, follow me to you rooms". Lilian didn't what to impose but she saw there was no alternative and followed without hesitation. She was then escorted up what seemed like a eternal flight of stairs down and a corridor filled with beautiful portraits, but there was one in particular that caused her to pause, it was a portrait of a young man Lilian didn't recognize him yet he seemed so familiar to her. His piercing emerald eyed gaze made Lilian shiver yet his soft smile proved him to be a kind soul. "Thats my lovely grandson" Tamilas voice came from behind startling Lilian and that's when she realized that she had been staring for awhile but there was just something about him almost like she'd seen him in a distant dream. "Oh! I'm sorry it's just as you said a lovely picture, i didnt mean to stare" Tamila gave Lilian a light hearted chuckle and continued on down the corridor "you'll meet him soon enough now come along" Lilian pivoted toward Tamila and then plotted after her. at the end of the hall was a oak door that lead into a delightful blue room with a ginormous fluffy white bed in the middle. Lillian's eyes popped out of her head this was a bed for royalty. "There's nighties in the wardrobe they should be your size, be prepared for breakfast bright and early" Lilian appreciated Timilas kindred nature "thank you ma'am but I really wouldn't want to impose especially since you probably haven't seen family I awhile" "nonsense! I must insist you attend you must get reacquainted with my grandson, for now don't think about it's late. Ill see you tomorrow morning. Goodnight." Timila shuffled out of the room and as soon as the door clicked shut Lilian ran full speed toward the bed and hurled her body into the sea of blankets. She laughed at her own excitement but then rolled off the bed and put on her nightie. After saying a prayer for her family and thanking god for Timilas kindness Lilian tucked herself into the sheets and yawned deeply she knew her night would be filled with sweet dreams.

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