Chapter 13 - Taking Chances

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Se-Ri had a commercial shoot that day. She was delighted to find out that it would be shot in a flower shop because no matter how many flowers she now received, she would always be happy to be around lovely blossoms.

"Myeong-Sun flower shop!" Se-Ri exclaimed. She received numerous arrangements from them over the years and the flowers from them were always on her top favourites. Se-Ri also never forgot that she received a precious one from a fan years ago, when she was at the beginning of her career and with that bouquet was the sweetest message.

'You deserve all the flowers in the world', the note said. 'One day, your arms will never be empty.'

She still has that note tucked away somewhere safe.

There was still some time before they started so Se-Ri decided to examine the inventory and maybe purchase some for her house. While staring at the different roses and carnations she was interested in, a woman approached her, "Ms. Yoon!!!"

Se-Ri turned to look at the woman, who she found to have a friendly face. "Good morning," Se-Ri greeted.

"Ms. Yoon!" the woman continued. "My name is Oh Na-rae, I am the daughter of the owner of this shop, Grandmother Myeong-Sun."

"Oh! I am so pleased to meet you. I have loved all the flowers you've sent to me over the years," Se-Ri thanked her.

"It is our pleasure, Ms. Yoon. We started doing it only for Jeong Hyeok-ah but eventually more and more of your fans started ordering from us," Oh Na-rae shared.

"Sorry? From whom?" Se-Ri asked to repeat in case she had misheard.

Na-rae suddenly felt bashful. "Lee Jeong Hyeok. Technically, he owns this shop, too, but he would never say that." Na-rae went on to share how Jeong Hyeok met her mother when he first bought flowers for Se-Ri. They were only a small flower shop at the time and were prepared to close business anytime until Jeong Hyeok invested in them and did not ask them to pay him back. "His only condition was for us to send flowers to you on certain dates that he mentioned. It was through him that we became big fans as well. He would send us tickets to all your movies!"

"So, all the flowers were scheduled deliveries from him?"

Na-rae frowned. "Well, yes... he gave us a list. But he calls before those days arrive and we send him photos of what we have the he chooses. The messages are all from him, too!"

"That's very sweet. I never knew," Se-Ri said.

Na-rae was suddenly afraid that she said too much. "Oh, please do not take it as a bad thing. He is a kind man and he told us he just really wanted you to smile."

Se-Ri assured Na-rae that she was not offended. "May I ask for a favor?"

"Yes, Ms. Yoon!"

"I'd like to send him flowers, too." Se-Ri was provided with stationery where she wrote, 

'You're the sweetest man. Thank you for the flowers over so many years. I can't tell you how happy my heart is right now. P.S. This bear reminds me of you.'

She sent the note, a thought suddenly struck her. "You said Jeong Hyeok met your mother years ago. Would you know when he first bought flowers for me?"

Unfortunately, Na-rae didn't and her mother was already too advanced in her age to remember. As soon as her shoot was done, she rushed home and opened her safe to dig for the note. There it was.

Jeong Hyeok's handwriting. 

To be certain, Se-Ri checked some of the files she had that had his written notes and compared. There were slight changes but, at least to her untrained eye, it looked the same.

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