Chapter 3 - So Into You

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A/N: I made minor edits to the first two chapters just to tie it up with the song titles I used.



Se-Ri was back at work the following day after Hyo-Jin's wedding. She had no on-camera appointments but there was a lot of meetings with people behind the scenes. Manager Hong was the first one in her office.

"Ms. Yoon, the agency is asking for a final answer on this movie. They are really pushing for you to accept it," her manager insisted.

"It's a terrible part. For most of the movie I'd just be crying and sad just because," Se-Ri complained.

Se-Ri loved her job. Being an actress was what she wanted for most of her life and she felt like she was truly good at it. She loved being able to understand a character and they tell their story to the audience and express the feelings and struggles of someone so that another person could empathise with them.

She also loved being able to entertain the audience for a little while. To allow a person to forget their real life troubles for an hour or two, laugh or fall in love as her characters do, and give the audience a break they needed and come home refreshed with renewed energy to face the hard times.

However, the industry can be cruel. While not old, she was no longer young. Se-Ri had no illusions of playing a young woman in the blush of youth falling in love for the first time. But as she was pushing forty, she noticed that the roles she was offered were not though of very well -- women who were bitter for no reason or were just evil to the main lead without a backstory as to why they even ended up like that.

As time went on, she also got fewer and fewer lead roles.

Checking to make sure they were alone, she asked, "How about our Project?"

Manager Hong look sullen. "We still don't have enough investment."

"My contract expires in two weeks. If I don't have options by then, I'd have to sign with the agency AGAIN and I do not want to do that," Se-Ri muttered.

"I do have something you might want to consider, Ma'am," started Manager Hong.

Se-Ri looked at him curiously. "What is it?"

"I heard of a venture capitalist who is back in Seoul. He's taking in meetings for businesses that may need funding and I've put in a request. I'm still waiting for confirmation but my friend, who works in his office, mentioned that he may be able to book us an appointment by Monday next week."

A venture capitalist.

Se-Ri had heard of this before but never really paid attention. It seemed too complicated and she often came across the term when reading about tech start-ups. She never heard of a venture capitalist for an entertainment agency business. However, she was out of options at this point and if this was a chance, she was going to take it. "Alright, please try to get that confirmation from your friend. Also ask what we need to prepare for the meeting."

"Yes, Ma'am." That afternoon, Se-Ri was informed by Manager Hong, "Ms. Yoon, we are confirmed to meet with Mr. Lee Jeong Hyeok."

"Sorry, what? Who?" Se-Ri asking to make sure that she heard correctly.

"The venture capitalist. His name is Lee Jeong Hyeok."

"I think you're truly something special
Just what my dreams are really made of
Let's stay together, you and me boy
There's no one like you around"

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