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♡ Sphynx cats

Hairless cat breed, has loose skin texture, and quite wrinkly

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Hairless cat breed, has loose skin texture, and quite wrinkly. They look so cute in sweaters!

Those are my thoughts on that type of breed. I remember my friend showing me a baby sphynx cat that many people love, and his name is Bingus. Ever since I encountered what Bingus looked like, I could not help but chuckle at how small he looks while having skin colour like raw chicken.

As you may know from that description, I have a passion for cats.

Every day I come out from home to feed some strays near my house. I am currently a senior in high school, and so as I make my way to school in the morning I usually drop off some canned tuna for them to eat. When I come home I crouch near them while petting their soft and delicate coloured fur.

During this one specific day where I was making my way to school with some canned tuna in my bag, and I saw the stray cats I usually feed already eating? I looked at my surroundings and no one was here at all besides me and the cats who were feasting on their fresh food.

Weird. I wonder who could have fed them besides me? That is all I could think of right now.

Oh! This reminds me, and on that same day a new boy transferred to my class too. His name was.. Hang Yelp? In Yell.. In Yeop? I forgot honestly.

I am not really good at interacting with individuals in person. Most of my prime connections come from people through the screen because they are able to give me this sense of belonging? if it makes sense. It's also convenient to be connected to them wherever I go.

But, honestly speaking it would be nice to connect to someone.. Just anyone.. outside of the screen because I do feel a bit lonely when I....

"Miss Y/N? Are you listening?"

I dropped my pencil off of my grasp and looked up to the front where the teacher was calling me. 

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry." I whispered softly as a response. My cheeks heated up into a warm cherry colour as my classmates giggled and made snickering remarks behind and around me.

"Enough! Quiet, class. In Yeop, I am so sorry you have to deal with this. It has barely been your first week and there is already so much commotion." Mr. Lee glared at each and every one of us while spitting out his bitter words.

 As the teacher kept speaking I lightly tapped my pencil onto my journal with the urges to write down more of my current thoughts. Not going to lie, boredom hit me and I started to quietly and slowly flip onto a new fresh page until I heard my voice being called out,

"Y/N because you were first to bring attention onto yourself; you will guide our fairly new student around the clubs and activities after class today. No excuses will cut it, do you understand?" I nodded my head in agreement while turning my attention to In Yeop. 

Mr. Cat Lover II Hwang In-YeopWhere stories live. Discover now