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Back in her office, Stephanie have a few brochures on her desks regarding the sperm banks. While reading over the details, she tries to weigh the different service provided by the banks.

Park knocks and enters without waiting for Stephanie's approval, she jumps and opens her eyes widely. 'Where's the manners, Park?'

'Nah, we are so over that, Steph.' He pulls a chair and sat down, eyes scrutinized to those papers Stephanie is reading, he inched closer to confirm his suspicion. 'No, we are not over that.'

Stephanie likes it when he mentions we, it sounds like they are a team and he will always stand by her. 'Got this print out, I hate to read it through the screen.'

'Preserve the forest, Steph,' he took a piece and read it with narrowed eyes.

'I used recycled papers,' she redeems herself.

'Do you perhaps wants me to introduce any guys or set up a blind date?' He left the brochure on the table and glance at Stephanie penetratively.

Stephanie paused for a moment and chuckles, 'you sound like a man who just escape from asylum.'

'If you want a kid, you need to have a husband, in order to have a husband, you need a boyfriend, why would I sound crazy if I mentioned this?' Park begs to differ.

'No,' she mentioned firmly and took the brochure back and compile it, her mind flashes those words Linda mentioned. 'I'm responsible for my life and—,'

He cuts her halfway, 'does your mother knows about it?'

Stephanie paused and looks at him gingerly, she knew he's out to trap her with those words.

He return with a smug grin, 'see?'

'I'm thirty six, my mother should be grateful that I'm planning to give her a grandchild.' Stephanie leans back to her swivel chair.

'Traditional parents would not understand such advanced way of conceiving, they would prefer a slow and steady ride.' Park replied.

'I'm thirty six, and I'm stuck with my job all the time, how am I suppose to set a time for dating and preserved my fertility?' Stephanie phrase her concerns.

Park palms his face when he couldn't make Stephanie change her nonsensical idea.

Meanwhile, outside her office came two men with doctor's coat, knocking at her door.

Park crane his neck to see who is standing by the door as Stephanie responded to the knocking. 'Come in, please.' She said. 'That's what manners is,' she whispered to Park, provoking him.

'Am I interrupting?' Martin, the chief of hospital walks in with another young man in his thirties, Asian. Although Stephanie hardly notice about men's complexion, but this guy have luminous skin which would very much intrigued Linda if she were to met him.

As she stood up and walk towards them, she realized that he is much taller than she assumed earlier.

'Allow me to introduce, doctor Liam Song, our new cardiologist transferred from Singapore, he will be staying with us for a year.' Martin made the introduction , 'and Liam, this is doctor Park, our general surgeon and this is doctor Yang—'

'The gastroenterologist,' Liam cuts, 'it's written on the plate.' Liam gesture at the door and Martin chuckles.

Park began to observe him as he stifle a smile.

Stephanie inched a broad smile, amused by his jokes. 'Welcome on board,' she offered her hand for a handshake.

'The pleasure is all mine,' he replies and offered his hand to Park next.

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