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They say doctors doesn't have friends, Stephanie begs to differ, if you ever come across her Instagram, you would see that she has over five hundreds followers and vice versa.

Since winter doesn't allow her to play at the beach, Stephanie decided to meet her church friends. They sang and dance and hail to the almighty.

A whooping weekend is gone just like that, by the time she reached home, she's done for and headed for a quick shower, get into her bed, on the television and set the night timer before she falls asleep.

It's hard to determine if Stephanie is an extrovert, or maybe neither one. She needs to be away from humans if she ever encounter too much of her population.

On days where Park is not available, she would seek help from the sound of the screen to sooth her to sleep.

'Did you not have a house to sleep at?' The scrub nurse, Lola, asked, just as Park was heading to the on-call room. She has been curious for a long time, it was only when she assisted Park for many operations that she feels comfortable to express her curiosity.

'I'm sorry?' Park responded with blank expression while his hand was on the door knob.

'You've been sleeping in the hospital all the time, you're basically living here,' nurse Lola pointed out amicably, she's been working in this hospital for twenty years and she has never seen any doctors living in the on-call room. Is that even allowed from the hospital's set of rules and regulations?

'I'm still searching for somewhere suitable,' Park shrugged as he lied, he wasn't looking for any since he could crash at Stephanie's house.

Lola shakes her head and walked away with a chuckles on her lips.

Meanwhile, after seeing her last patient, Stephanie send a text to her squad, petitioning for an impromptu dinner.

Park read it the first minute it show up on the screen's banner, typing "count me in" without hesitation.

Stephanie search for his name and called him.

'You're done with your surgery?' She sounded surprised.

'It's a minor surgery that took only an hour.' He replied, placing his hand at the back of his head to support it.

'Go get a shower, I'll see you in a minute.' Stephanie knows he is always in his scrub shirt as long as he's in the compound of the hospital.

'A minute? Steph, I'm a doctor, a minute of shower isn't enough to kills all the germs on our body,' he teases her. 'Hang on, did you always shower for a minute?'

'Shut up, you idiot,' she laugh and hang up the call.

God must have done them favors, it's rare that the five of them get to gather during weekdays, Monday, especially. They have all agreed to have fish and chips for dinner.

'Where's your liabilities?' Park shot straight at Tim, referring to him and Linda's kids as he checks his emails.

'Watch you mouth, I'm holding to a knife hor.' Linda warns.

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