The Pirate All Pirates Fear...

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When the door to the Captain's cabin creaked open--sounding much like the lid of a coffin-- and the sound of heavy boots echoed behind them. It was at that very moment, Captain Jack and Maggie Sparrow knew they had made a very dangerous mistake...

As the father-daughter pirate duo slowly turned around they saw him, Edward 'Blackbeard' Teach, the pirate who struck fear in the hearts of other pirates. The dark merciless shadow of the seven sea's. The man who is said to have died by being beheaded and yet his body swam three times around his ship before climbing back aboard to retrieve his sereved head from the bulk of the ship where it was left by the men who tried to kill him.

As he approached them, Maggie felt Jack gently grab her shoulder and motion for her to follow him away from him. As Maggie slowly followed her father down the stairs, she couldn't help but keep staring at the famous pirate. It was like looking at the sun reflecting off the scales of a venomous cobra, she was entranced by the sight of him, but terrified what his next move would be.

As the smoke billowed from the fuses in his famous beard, he stared out at his crew. The same crew who just moments ago, were planning to take his ship and go against his orders. His stormy blue eyes sent a chill down Maggie's spine and made her heart drop into her stomach, weighed down with dread and fear.

"Gentlemen" he drained the bottle of whiskey he held in one long swallow and threw it on the deck, right at Captain Jack's feet.

"I be placed in a bewilderment" Blackbeard announced to the crew. "There I were, resting and upon a sudden I hear an ungodly row on deck."

He placed his hand on the bejeweled hilt of his sword, which was in it's scabbard on his hip. As he touched the sword, Maggie noticed the ropes and rigging of the Queen Anne's Revenge unraveling by themselves, like snakes unraveling from above.

"Sailors abandon their posts, without order, without leave. Men before the mast, taking the ship for themselves" Blackbeard shook his head in disappointment. "What be that, first mate?"

"Mutiny, Captain!" Angelica responded from nearby.

"Again?" Blackbeard put a hand to his ear.

"Mutiny!" Angelica repeated.

"Aye, mutiny most foul" Blackbeard nodded, taking his sword out of it's scabbard. "And what fate befalls mutineers? Now, we know the answer to that, do we not?" He sneered "Mutineers HAAAAANG!"

As Blackbeard thrust his sword into the air, the Queen Anne's Revenge seemed to come alive and sail all on her own. The lanterns on deck all ignited at once and the sails of the ship unraveled by themselves, catching the wind and lurching the ship forward. The pirates and zombie officers lost their balance, falling forward on the deck.

The ropes and rigging that were unraveling themselves before, now began to strike like snakes at the pirates. They winded and tightened around the pirates and they seemed impossible to fend off. Sailors were dragged across the deck and slammed into the bulkheads. The ropes began to tie their own knots around the pirates and lift them up into the air.

In record time, the Queen Anne's Revenge looked like a massive spider web, with the rigging and ropes crossing every which way and sailors trapped in them like insects, awaiting death.

Captain Jack soon found himself in front of Blackbeard himself. Mind you, he was hanging upside down by the rope that had ensnared his ankles, but he was still face to face with the sinister pirate.

"Captain, I wish to report a mutiny!" He said nervously. "I can name fingers and point names!"

"No need, Mr. Sparrow" Blackbeard told him "They are sheep, you their shepherd." He returned his sword to it's scabbard and Jack fell down onto the deck.

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