Father & Daughter Vs. Mother & Son

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Angelica & Diego Above

Maggie and her Father squinted as they walked into the dimly lit storage room in the back of the Captain's Daughter Pub. Only a few lanterns provided light around the room as well as a large fire pit in the center. But the room was still half submerged in shadows.

Suddenly the two impostors stepped out from behind two posts in front of them. Captain Jack and Maggie couldn't see their faces because they were obscured in shadows, but what they did see looked identical to themselves.

Captain Jack's impostor had the same outfit and hat, the same dreadlocks and the same drunken swagger to his walk.

Maggie's doppelganger was equally identical with the same dark brown locks, the same red bandana and she even jutted out one hip with the same amount of attitude.

Captain Jack and Maggie drew their swords in unison. Their impostors did the same a second later.

"You have stolen me" Captain Jack told his impostor "and I'm here to take meself back!"

"And as for you!" Maggie told her impostor. "I'm gonna turn your skull into rice pudding!"

As Captain Jack chased after his lookalike, Maggie raced after her own evil twin.

When she finally caught up to the other Maggie, she had vanished. Maggie crept carefully through the dark corner she was in, keeping a good grip on her sword.

Suddenly the other Maggie swung down from the wooden rafters above and landed in front of her. She swung her sword at Maggie, the real Maggie made the same attack at the same time.

Usually the guessing part was the hardest part of a sword fight, at least for Maggie. You had to keep your eyes on your enemy at all times and try to guess their next move based on their body language. It was the only way to block their attacks and defeat them.

However the problem with this enemy is that they were making the same moves as Maggie was and at the same time! It was almost as if the two were taught the same sword fighting techniques!

"Cut it out!" Maggie shouted, getting annoyed.

"Na-na-na-na-na!" Her evil twin teased, running for one of the back doors.

Maggie chased her through the doorway which led to a dark alleyway behind the pub. It took Maggie's eyes a minute to adjust from the dimly lit storage room to the pitch black alley.

Suddenly she felt an arm wrap around her throat, catching her by surprise and causing her to drop her sword. Maggie slammed her elbow into her opponent's gut and then used both hands to grip the arm around her neck. She then leaned forward as hard as she could, causing her enemy to lurch forward, fly over her head and fall to the ground in front of her.

Maggie grinned, she did it! She took on her impostor and captured her all by herself!

As Maggie's impostor sat up holding her abdomen, her hair and bandana slipped off... or rather her wig... or rather his wig!

Turns out Maggie's impostor was... A boy?!

 A boy?!

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