A Place of Silence

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Back at Shuan Lang’s hut, Olson and Artemis were saying goodbye to the old doctor. With provisions and map in hand they headed out, following the secret directions marked by the wise sage. They traveled for some time, passing places unmarred by human presence. Mountain ranges and stretches of land, with serene and wild beauty lay in tranquil silence and peace. Walking through a magnificent forest, they found a place to camp.
“Do you realize that we are in a place where no human soul has ever been?” Olson asked Artemis. “Let’s leave a mark!” he said excitedly. He took out a knife and began scratching their names on a tree. ‘Olson and Artemis were here’ he wrote. Artemis saw it and shouted.
“Why did you just desecrate a tree?” 
“Maybe someone will find us!” Olson replied.
Art shot him a vengeful look and Olson apologized. Artemis was praying all night until she fell asleep. When they woke up in the morning, they hit the road. 
Walking through the mountainous forest, Henry and Kala were in the same regions as the campers. Passing a place of serene beauty and silence, they noticed the tree where Olson etched the names. Henry stopped and read the writing on it. Kala saw Henry’s face transform with hope as he shouted into the air.
“Olson! Artemis!”
Artemis heard Henry’s voice in the distance.
“Did you hear that?” She asked Olson, 
“I can’t believe it!” Olson smiled as they heard Henry’s calls.
“It’s me, Henry!” He said.
They ran towards the familiar voice.
“Henry!” Art called out as they saw each other.
“There you are! Thank God I found you!” Henry exclaimed. They hugged and laughed happily. “If it wasn’t for that writing on the tree, I don’t know how I would have found you!”
“See, it worked!” Olson said to Artemis contentedly.
“Meet Kala!” Henry introduced the monk to his teammates. “He helped me escape from evil looters!” 

Sitting by a fire, Kala was telling his new friends the story of the Eden Protectors.
“We are haunted by a dangerous enemy; Maharaja Akh Rahit is ruler of a hundred armies set to destroy Eden’s Protectors and invade the sacred garden. Akh Rahit believes that he can attain the tree of life and ultimate power. I am the only surviving protector of a mystery which they are after. Akh Rahit wants to become the ruler of the universe and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He knows that it is a prize unlike any other, but his soul is evil and he can never pass into the sacred site without the devil’s help. He and his army are those that turned away from the light and goodness of God. They are servants of the darkness, ones that have been fighting the Protectors for centuries trying to infiltrate God’s hidden land. They serve the devil who knows that whoever has the tree of life will possess the secret power of God; but only the Protectors know where Eden is and even they can’t enter it without God’s divine will, and the secret no one knows.”
“What secret?” Artemis asked.
“It’s a feat that one must do,” explained Kala.
“Like a test?” Olson asked.
“Yes!” Kala answered.
“What’s the test about?” Henry questioned him.
“Wisdom!” replied Kala.
“I better start preparing.” Henry said seriously.
“We know someone who’s from the Eden’s Protectors.” Artemis said.
“Impossible!” replied Kala.
“Doctor Shuan Lang gave us the map!” Olson stated, taking out the ancient map.
Henry was reading the sacred scrolls. Kala was looking at the map with the same enthusiasm as Henry.
“Great!” Henry said optimistically. “Now we know the way to Eden, and even have divine guidance. We can go there! Following the directions of the map, and the wisdom of the prayers...”   
“We need to prepare for the test!” Said Olson, “what can God expect of us that is so special?”
“The scrolls talk a lot about virtues but most of all about faith,” Said Henry, “so prepare for the worst, and hope for the best!” He said, as they walked deeper into the strange mountainous terrain. 

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