The Hut

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The river bent sharply where the lone hut stood, beside the forest, by the Himalayan Mountains. A waterfall was descending from a great rock, the water falling softly, wistfully into the misty clouds. Behind the garden of the waterfall, deep down and below the stream - lay hidden the wondrous and yet to be discovered caves. Among them there is one that opens up the gate to another world, the key was in finding it. What mystery lay beneath, what dangers awaited the unsuspecting visitors, and what challenges lay ahead for them, only silence knew. 
In the foggy valley between the mountains - the lonely hut stood peacefully in the serenity of the forest. Standing on the edge of a mountain, Olson was admiring the hut from a distance. 
“Have you seen the view today?” Olson asked Artemis, as she looked on. “It’s beautiful isn’t it!?” He said. She nodded. For the first time in 3 days, they found a living accommodation.
“I was beginning to worry we wouldn’t make it,” said Olson.
“It’s not over yet!” Artemis said optimistically, as she headed for the hut.
It was sunset when they reached the hut; it looked ancient, and inside there was no one. The desolate surroundings in such a peaceful place looked mysterious. Where would the inhabitants be at this hour? The wind rustled the leaves on the apple tree beside it, and a chill touched Artemis’ back. She realized that someone strange must live here - someone who left everything there as if he just went to greet visitors a moment ago. There was tea still warm and steaming, and fresh bread on the table. The fire was burning in the stove. Something wasn’t right here. Artemis looked at the scroll writings lying upon the table. To her surprise, one of the manuscripts was signed in Tibetan, by a familiar name: Shuan Lang. 
“Olson,” Artemis whispered, “Do you know anything about the great healer, Doctor Shuan Lang?” 
“No... What about him?” Olson inquired. 
“Shhh...Quiet!” She whispered and gestured for him to be silent, “I think he might have been here.” 
“How do you know?” Olson whispered.
“Because he lives here...” 
“Come on Art, there’s nobody here,” Olson said louder, “no one’s home, so make yourself comfortable.” 
Eerie silence filled the house as Art stared at him, questioning. 
“On the other hand we should ask.” Said Olson, “hello,” he said to the house. “Is anyone here?” Silence followed. Then, the cold wind entered the room and crackled the fireplace as it swept through the candles and the lamp. Olson turned around to face the door - it was wide open. There, in front of them, stood an old Chinese doctor.  Shuan Lang looked silently at the uninvited guests.
“Please take whatever you need,” he said calmly. 
“We’re not robbers, we’re travelers,” Artemis spoke gently; “we are looking for a place to stay.” 
“Are you Doctor Shuan Lang?” Olson asked curiously. 
“Yes, I am, how do you know my name?” The old man inquired. 
“Your herbal medicine is very big in the west!” Artemis responded with much enthusiasm.
“I am an herbal doctor,” said the sage kindly, showing the herbs he just collected, “and yes, you can stay here for a while,” he added. The travelers were grateful and ecstatic, thanking him for his welcome.
Amazingly, Artemis noticed that there were icons on the walls. Jesus, the mother of God and the saints graced the humble abode. Candle wax scent filled the air. Books, scrolls of Christian wisdom - priceless artifacts of history that would have made Henry envious -were all over the place. It was a treasure trove for a zealous truth seeker, and the guests who were searching for the greatest mystery, were in the right place at the right time. They were sitting in the hut, drinking herbal tea the doctor made them. 
“I see you are very devout. It is rare to see a Christian in the Himalayas of all places.”
“Yes, I have been converted by a Christian visitor who passed through these parts.” Replied the doctor humbly. Art was inspired to tell the doctor the whole story.
“We are explorers. We are searching for the most ancient mystery. We believe it is possible to find the Biblical Garden of Eden. Do you believe it can be found here, in the Himalayas?” Artemis revealed her mission. Shuan Lang stared at the visitors quietly, mysteriously, and then he spoke. 
“I believe that the Biblical Paradise existed ages ago, in the east - until it was hidden - but I know it was here, somewhere in the Himalayas. Once, I had a mysterious visitor come. He looked very noble and impressed me with his wisdom and knowledge of the Bible. He convinced me that Christianity was the true way, and gave me a mystical scroll - it was ancient. It turned out to be a map - which showed where Eden is. It is here, somewhere in the Himalayas. I wanted to search for it myself, but the mysterious visitor advised me against it, saying that Paradise is found within. Instead, God gave me the gift of healing, and I became a healer.” 
The listeners were amazed, and in awe. 
“I can give you this map,” said Shuan Lang, “if you are here to find the lost Paradise, then it must be your calling!”
“Thank you so much,” said Art joyfully.
“We are so blessed to have found you!” Olson added happily.
“I think you were meant to find me,” the wise doctor replied, “and it is God’s will, that you find the way to Paradise.”

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