Chapter Eight

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     I hate Mondays. Who in their right mind decided that they were going to create Mondays, then send kids too school on it. The only good thing about Mondays is...well...there are no good reasons for Monday! I groaned into my pillow before lazily rolling out of my bed and dragging my feet to the bathroom.

   The crisp autumn air greeted me as I stepped out of my coach.

     "You should have worn a coat, Baby Bro" Axel shouted, making me roll my eyes, like I didn't know that already.

     "Yeah, yeah, I know" I waved him off, walking to the entrance of CSS.

     Today was the tryouts for the flying derby team, and I was almost guaranteed a spot. Since CSS is about sports, there are multiple teams so everyone who wants to participate can. But with Sofia here, my place on the A-team isn't super secure. I went to my first class, greeted with a grumpy Professor Barlowe. I don't have a clue how the old man was hired, he doesn't understand a thing about royals and spends his time insulting our ancestors. I have to put up with him because God forbid Dad get a letter about how I was "disrespectful". Having him for my first class made my day so much harder, the only thing that gets me through it is seeing Sofia. Speaking of...

     "Hey, Hugo!" She smiled, taking my breath away.

     "Hey, Sof. You're here early" I grinned, hoping she would feel the same way towards me that I do her. And to my luck, she blushed a little, that's is a good thing...right?

     "Actually, I needed help on homework and I was hoping that Mr. Grumpy over there could help" She nodded her head towards Mr. Barlowes desk, making me laugh.

     "Well, I could help you. I happen to understand history pretty well, which is surprising because I hate this class" I shrugged my shoulders in a nonchalant manner. I really did want to impress her, whether it was with schoolwork or not.

     "That would be great! To be honest, I don't want to make Barlowe any more mad than he already is" She gave me a crooked grin and scooted a chair over to my desk. "So I needed help memorizing the date that Freezenburg became a country and what led King Igor to create a new kingdom"

     "Just memorizing things, right?" I asked, Sofia nodded bashfully, almost embarrassed that she needed help. "Okay, so I always make flash cards, but that can take sometime. You still sing wistfully in window sills, right?" I teased her, remembering that day where my crush for Sofia formed. The day she made the derby team.

     "Not that song!" She groaned while I laughed at her expression. "And I'll have you know that I do sing and I sound wonderful!" She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

     "Cool! So you could make a song to remember the information or something! I know Ben told me that's what Madelyn does" Her face light up at that suggestion, a wave of accomplishment flushed through my body.

     "That's such a good idea, Hugo! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" She hugged me unexpectedly, making me feel warm inside, though I'm not complaining. I pulled away from her, knowing she might get uncomfortable after a while, as much as that hurt my pride.

     "Anything else?" I cleared my throat, trying to ease the tension we created. There was still a good 15 minutes until class started, and we were the only two students in the class.

     "Nothing else...I hope" She looked at her feet.





     "What are we doing, Sof?" I asked while she giggled. I could listen to that sound all day, for the rest of my life.

     "I don't know, Hug" She laughed, but I could have sworn I heard a nickname. One that I hated, but didn't sound half as bad when she said it.

     "Hug?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Where did that come from?" She giggled again, putting her hand over her mouth. Goodness, if she could hear the way my heart was racing, I don't know if I could face her.

     "Yeah! Hug! Everyone always calls you Hugo, so why not switch it up for a bit!" Sofia's smile widened and I didn't want to crush her spirit, not after she does anything she can o make someone happy.

     "Whatever you say, Sofie" I smirked, if I get a new nickname, she gets one too.

     "Sofie? Really? That's the best you can do?" She playfully frowned. I could hear the people start to filter into class, including Ben and Christian.

     "If you can call my Hug, I can call you Sofie. Besides, no one calls you Sofie so it's original" I winked, earning a pink tint to appear on her cheeks.

     "Okay...Hug!" She teased, making my stomach flip, but in a good way if that makes sense. "Oh! Hey Ben, Christian" She smiled before dragging her chair back to her desk and sitting down, chatting to the princess next to her.

     "So...Hug" Ben smirked


     Lunch was about to start and I needed some time away from the boys. Over the past week, I've definitely gotten closer to them, but I needed to discuss something important with Liv and Madelyn. The bell rang, signaling the start of lunch. I stood up from my desk and went to the hallway, waiting for Olivia and Madelyn to walk by.

     I saw Liv and Madelyn get out of their classroom and swiftly pulled them into the bathroom.

     "Sofia? What's up?" Madelyn asked, with Olivia nodding behind her.

     "I have something to tell you but I can't really say in front of the boys" I admitted sheepishly, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

     "Okay, spill whenever you're ready" Liv said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I took a deep breath, knowing that this could be taken multiple ways.

     "I think I might like Hugo!" I blurted out, putting my hands over my mouth. Olivia no Madelyn looked at each other, then at me, then at each other again. All of the sudden, a lass-shattering sound was made.

     "Ugh! Listen hear pheasant! Hugo is mine!" Alyssa emerged from a bathroom stall, making all three of our jaws fall to the floor. With that little temper tantrum, Alyssa walked out of the bathroom leaving me shaken and a tad intimidated.

     "She's psycho, I hate her. But you finally confessed that you Ike Hugo!" Madelyn exclaimed, making me turn the color of my amulet.

Hey there! This is Chapter Eight and I hope you enjoy, even if it is a little most of the chapters. Sorry about that. Anyways, here you go! :)))

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