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Kunsel was, as Aerith had said, in his usual spot near the theater. I smiled when I saw him, and his eyes lit up when I walked over to him. He was in his reddish-purple SOLDIER uniform tonight, so he must've only gotten off duty a little while ago. As always, he had left his helmet at home. I had to see that handsome face, after all.

I kissed him. "Thanks for the flowers, Kunsel. They're beautiful."

"You're welcome, Jessie," he gave me his typical wry smile. "I guess Aerith was able to find your place without any trouble. I, uh... hope it's okay that I told her where you live."

"It's fine," I assured him. "I trust her. And you."

"Good! I just wanted you to have something special since tonight's two months since we first met."

I hugged him tight. "I appreciate it. And..."

"Hmm?" he wondered. "Something on your mind?"

My heart beat a little faster as I told him. "Well, I, uh... I think I've got something for you, too. But before that, I'd like to talk for a bit first. There are... things I want to tell you."

He blinked. "What things?"

"About me. Things that you should know before we get much more involved with each other. And... once you hear them, if you decide not to go further with me, I... I'll understand."

"I'm staying with you," Kunsel insisted.

I chuckled. "Well, wait 'till you hear me out first. But how about we go have dinner before we get into all that? I don't know about you, but I'm famished! My treat!"

"Sounds good," he grinned. "Where do you—?"

His warm smile faded as he abruptly cut himself off, and the sound of footsteps filled my ears. I turned around to see who was coming, but it was only Reeve. Something was wrong, though. He hurried over, his expression clearly worried as he walked up to me. I had told him about Kunsel, but he hadn't met him yet. I didn't think he had come out here for an introduction, though.

Kunsel straightened. "Director Tuesti! Sir!"

"At ease," Reeve replied. Then he turned to me. "Jessica, we need to talk. In private. I've found out something that I think you should know. It won't take long, I promise."

A chill ran down my spine. "A-Alright. The alley?"

He nodded. "That should do. And... Kunsel, wasn't it? Wait here, if you would, please. We'll be back soon."

"Yes, sir," Kunsel said.

"It'll be okay," I assured him. I knew he was confused.

He didn't bother hiding it. "I don't know what's going on, but... I'll be here if you need me."

I smiled. "Thanks. Be back in a minute."

With that, I followed Reeve around the corner into the alley by the theater. It was quiet, the soft green glow of the small mako pipes along the base of walls the only light as we went further in. Glancing around to make sure we were really alone, Reeve motioned for me to stop. We stood facing each other about fifty feet into the alley.

"That should be enough," he said. "Don't want anyone overhearing us. Kunsel sounds like a decent man from what you've told me, but I'm guessing he doesn't know who you really are yet."

I shook my head. "No, he doesn't. Not yet. But... I want to tell him. I was thinking of doing it tonight, actually."

"I understand, Jessica. And I do wish you the best of luck."

Final Fantasy VII: Reflections - Book 1: DescentWhere stories live. Discover now