Our Dogs Are Home

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My Mom, Sister and I went to the Dog Control Office today. We needed to pay a 60 dollar fine to get back OUR dogs. It's ridiculous. Why do I have to pay to get my own Dogs, which I remind you, Spent more than a thousand dollars on for six years, out of Dog Jail?

Taxes is the stupid answer. Oi. My mon wasn't nice to the Dog Control Officer. She was nicer to his Assistant, Whom was nice enough to bring us to the kennels. Now. The officer got back in time, and TOOK US to the kennels. Our two labs, in the picture above, Outside, In the COLD SNOW. They did have a door into the inside half of the kennel, but they were separated. They're from the same litter, so they were a little happy to be beside each other again.

The whole way home, Mocha, our Chocolate Lap Lab, Sat on my lap, whining for home. It was precious.

Expresso was happy to see my little brother, As he is his Owner.

I can't express this happiness that my dogs are back home. It was way to quiet without them!

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