Chapter 4

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Authors note: For the bridge imagine something like above but without railing. its the same bridge Jay walked across on his stroll through the park.


- Lawrence p.o.v -

I found myself back at a party. I entered the fancy building, tho it was not the same as the last ones. The parties are always hosted at different places by different people.

Entering I felt the stares of multiple people on me and exchanged several polite nods and greetings.

Always the same, I thought. Which is true. It is always the same. The same people. The same conversations. The same drinks.

So boring.

But then my eyes immediately found her. By now I could identify her from miles away. Lucielle Hutchinson.

It's been almost a month since I first met her. It was finally a change from the usual. Someone new. Someone interesting.

There was just something about her, I still can't put my finger on it. But it's something that makes her different from the rest.

Since that first party, she's been at every one. Still, I know basically the same about her as I did back then. She rarely talks and even rarer about herself.

When I get her to talk, however, she has the best answers. It's the one thing I keep looking forward to.

I made my way towards her. My feet practically moving on their own. But before I could reach her I was oh so rudely interrupted by someone.

Another normal occurrence. Everybody wants to talk to me at some point during the night.

And that's how it kept going. I would move from person to person. From conversation to conversation. I always kept an eye on the blonde tho. I needed to talk to her at least once. Just something to make this night better.

After a while I noticed her start playing at one of the tables. Some sort of card game. I just kept moving around the room, more people wanting to chat with me.

Most conversations were about how I was doing and what was going on. How the business was going, or if anything new had happened. Kinda exhausting after a good while.

That was until someone pulled me aside. I jerked my head in their direction only to see one of my associates.

He pulled me to a more secluded area, where not as many people were.

"What is it you needed?", I asked straightening my back.

"There's trouble at the site, Sir."

My eyebrows furrowed. The site. That could only mean trouble.

"Fine. Gather a few men. Keep them under control as well as you can. I'll be there in a few."

My associate nodded and quickly left. I ran my hand through my brown hair, brushing it out of my face.

The site is what we called the place where we exchanged our "goods". If they were having trouble, that could only mean that someone was hindering the transaction.

How annoying...

I let out a breath and turned back towards the room. I scanned the room. My green eyes landed on the one person I couldn't talk to. Hutchinson.

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