Chapter 2

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The morning sun rays peaked through the half-opened curtains of the small room.

In the bed opposite the window, a certain blond started moving.

Jay slowly opened his eyes.

After returning home yesterday, he almost immediately collapsed onto his bed.

He sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Yesterday's events rushing back to him, he let out an annoyed groan. Jay still wasn't too pleased about having to crossdress.

What he did have to admit is that Sue was right. He did look stunning in a dress. Much to his dismay.

Jay looked at the old clock. Only 10:30, damn.

Since they had to go to the ball this evening, the chief had given him and Dave the day off.

That meant Jay had an entire day to do whatever. Jay also wasn't a long sleeper, so it surprised him that he slept as long as he had.

Already growing tired of just sitting in bed, Jay quickly tore the blanket off and got out. He quickly slipped on a pair of slippers and made his way towards the living room.

Jay didn't live in a huge apartment. It was ... big enough. At least for him.

He lived alone. In his mind, he didn't need anyone else. This was a lie, however, obvious just by the state of the apartment.

Cleaning and keeping tidy was never one of Jay's strong suits. As long as he could find what he needed, it was good enough for him.

The fact the Jay also never got visited didn't help the matter either.

Jay grabbed the folder on top of the little coffee table and made himself comfortable on the couch.

If he had to play a woman, he'd at least do his best.

He opened up the folder to read the description:

Name: Lucielle Maria Hutchinson

Age: 25 y/o

Notes: Wealthy heiress -> parents dead


interested in a new "business investment"

cold demeanor

"Seriously Sue?! That's it!", Jay growled. He knew for a fact that Sue could create amazingly intricate characters. And yet she gave him one of the flattest she had.

"There went my plan of learning my character."

He closed the folder again and threw it back on the coffee table.

Jay threw his head back and stared at the ceiling with an annoyed expression.

As if on cue his stomach started rumbling, reminding Jay that he hadn't eaten anything yet.

Not wasting time checking his own kitchen, which was practically empty, he quickly threw on some fresh clothes and his coat, and swiftly left his apartment.

Lucky for Jay the streets arent as packed as they usually are in the morning.

Passing by the few people, he headed straight for a café he knew would be open. He would go there almost every morning to get a coffee or even something to eat. Most of the time though, Dave would come in during the day and drop off some well-needed nourishment.

Arriving at the shop, Jay let out a relieved sigh, seeing that it was relatively empty.

The cashier greeted him with a smile, as he entered.

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