• He never gets boring •

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April 11th, 1912
6:00 PM

I stand at the bottom of the grand staircase, waiting for Jack.

Is he going to show up? I thought to myself. I was overthinking.

I saw him walking down the stairs. He walked up to me and kissed my hand.

"Afternoon, m'lady!" He smiled, trying not to laugh. "Care to join me?"

I'd giggle. "Thank you, kind sir."

We walked together, joined arms, to the wooden table where my family was sitting at.

"You must be Mr. Dawson. Correct?" My father looked at Jack.

"That's me!" Jack said, sitting down in the chair beside my younger sister.

I saw Jack looking at all of the utensils placed in front of him. He looked surprised.

"And where exactly do you live, Jack Dawson?" My father asked.

"Well, right now my current address is RMS Titanic." Jack said.

"And you find that appealing?" My father said, looking disgusted.

Jack opened his mouth, he was about to speak. Then he closed it and continued eating. My father was not impressed, and I could tell.

"How did you manage to board the Titanic then, Mr. Dawson?" My mother asked.

"Well, I got my ticket here in a lucky handed poker. Very lucky handed." Jack exclaimed, trying to be as optimistic as he can.

I look at him, smiling. He looks back at me and continues to eat.

My father finishes eating. "Well, I'm going to go meet up with the other gentlemen." my father pushes his chair in and walks away.

William yawns, my mother notices. "I'm going to go and take William up to bed." she scoops William up into her arms.

"Are you coming Mary?" my mother asks.

"Yes mother." Mary responds.

They walk away. Mary standing side by side with my mother. William half asleep in my mother's arms.

"Well, I guess I'll go roll with the other slaves now." Jack says.

"Do you have to go?" I sigh.

"I should go."

"Ok, Jack. Goodnight."

Jack shakes my hand and slides a note into my hand. He walks away, looking back at me.

I open the note.

'Meet me at the deck.'  it read.

I get up from my chair, and start speed walking up the stairs.

I finally reach the deck. I see Jack looking over the edge.

"J-Jack!" I yelled over to him, joyfully.

He turns his head towards me. His blue eyes sparkling in the light.

"Hello, Y/n."

I smile.

"Do you wanna go to a real party?" He smiles.

"H-huh?" I said, shivering and confused.

He takes my hand, and walks to the stairwell. He takes me down, leads me into a completely different part of the ship.

There was dancing, singing, music. It was amazing. Everyone was so happy.

I sit down in a chair. Watching Jack dance with a little girl, about 7 or 8.

"I'm gonna go dance with her now, alright?" Jack said to the little girl.

Jack reaches his hand out to me. "May I?"

I laugh. "Why not?" I reach for his hand. I rest my hand in his.

We start dancing around the floor. The music flowing into my ears.

"I don't know this dance!" I yell over the music.

"Neither do I! Just go with it!" Jack laughs hysterically while talking.

We danced, it was amazing. He looked so charming. He held me closer to him.

We danced all night.

April 11th, 1912
11:30 PM

I arrive back at my room. I take the pin out of my hair and stroke my fingers through my knotty hair.

I feel a cold hand touch my shoulder and aggressively force me to turn around.

"You will not see that boy again." my father said.

"What?" I was confused.

"YOU WILL NOT SEE JACK DAWSON AGAIN." my father had a terrifying tone in his voice.

"Father, what did I do wrong?"

"I will not have you seeing a 3rd class boy. Do you understand me?"

"Father, he makes me happy." I tried to stay polite and calm.


I had tears welling up in my eyes. "No, father. He is a kind boy. Just try and get to know him. Please fath-"

My father slaps me, across the face. "You will obey me and you will not see him."

I look at my father, in disgust.

"What's with the look young lady?" my father asks.

"You will not order me around and tell me who I can and cannot see. You will not slap me NOR tell me what to do. I am not a child. I am an adult." I said, angrily.

My father opens his mouth and closes it. He was speechless. He was going in for another slap. I could tell by his eyes. They were beaming.

I walk away quickly, before he could hurt me again.

I walk out of the room. I run down the halls.

I looked around for Jack. I couldn't find him.

Where is he? I thought to myself.

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